Friday 14 February 2014

unit 6 assignemt 2 summerising the focus group

The focus Group ; My focus group played call of duty black ops 2. They all had good reactions to the game. they all seemed to enjoyed it when they was playing it. They give good opinions on the game there wasn't any negative feedback from them. They all said they would buy the game after playing it, they already knew about the game before they had played it, they said they would recommend it to a friend. they said they liked the graphics off the game, and also the zombie mode was fun to play and was abit different to other games.

From this research a typical gamer is a main streamer because the people who took part in my focus group didn't really play any other games Sept from FIFA, they all knew about the game and all hard about it before and had played the previous call of duties. they didnt play too many hours a week.


  • They all seemed to enjoy the game. 
  • They gave good feedback about the game. 
  • They all had different views but all was positive. 
  • They wasn't biased.   
  •  No one gave a nagative comment how it can be improved. 
  • They was all Male. 
  • Only 3 people. 
  • All the same age. 

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