Thursday 17 October 2013

unit 26 assignemt 2

1 comment:

  1. Unit 26 Assignment 2
    Explain that the MPAA is a trade association and what this means, then explain how the Hollywood studio system works, using the audio track on my blog to help you. For The inevitable defeat, could you explain why it would be good to have a rating higher than G or PG.Also be specific about who the members of the appeals board were, and why this would be a bad thing for some film producers in Hollywood. Your negatives are good, but you lack specific quotes from people from the documentary, so please add some. For your positives, you need to get much more discussion and quotes of why the MPAA is a good thing. Write a conclusion, what do you think about the MPAA, do you think the industry is right to work closely with them? Also you should maybe make your article a bit more appealing to the eye by adding more pictures of the films you discuss.
