Friday 4 October 2013

assingment 26 unit 1 powerpoint prep.

Slid one.

What is an Auteur?

A auteur is a director but not any director you know its a certain directors work by what they do eg use camera angle,colour wash,actors.

 a filmmaker whose individual style and complete control over allelements of production give a film its personal and unique stamp.

 Side 2.

Mise en scene.

Mise en scene is a french word its means everything in the frame. The characters are out side a cafe having a conversation then all the props start to explode. The lighting is very natural. The depth of focus is just on the characters.

Mise en scène encompasses the most recognizable attributes of a film – the setting and the actors; it includes costumes and make-up, props, and all the other natural and artificial details that characterize the spaces filmed.  The term is borrowed from a French theatrical expression, meaning roughly “put into the scene”.  In other words, mise-en-scène describes the stuff in the frame and the way it is shown and arranged.  We have organized this page according to four general areas: setting, lighting, costume and staging.  At the end we have also included some special effects that are closely related to mise-en-scène.

 Slide 3.


Non diegetic

We get a good use of non diegetic sound track in this scene when the props start to explode. This make it clear that the characters are in a dream.

 Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: 
  • narrator's commentary
  • sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect
  • mood music
Non-diegetic sound is represented as coming from the a source outside story space. 
The distinction between diegetic or non-diegetic sound depends on our understanding of the conventions of film viewing and listening.  We know of that certain sounds are represented as coming from the story world, while others are  represented as coming from outside the space of the story events.  A play with diegetic and non-diegetic conventions can be used to create ambiguity (horror), or to surprise the audience (comedy).  


In this scene Christopher Nolan is trying to show realism with the conversation between the two characters.
conversation between two or more persons.
the conversation between characters in a novel, drama, etc.
an exchange of ideas or opinions on a particular issue, especially apolitical or religious issue, with a view to reaching an amicableagreement or settlement.
a literary work in the form of a conversation: 


We get a good use of diegetic  sound when the coffee mug starts to shake but you can say this is non diegetic sound.

 Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film: 
  • voices of characters 
  • sounds made by objects in the story 
  • music represented as coming from instruments in the story space ( = source music)
Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world 
Digetic sound can be either on screen or off screen depending on whatever its source is within the frame or outside the frame. 
Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound   

Slide 4

Comparison ( Inception and Skyfall )

We get a wide two shot so we can see where the characters are going and what it looks like. Good use of depth of focus so we can see what they are wearing and also we see that the characters are wet from coming out the water but also look confused. This creates more tension for the audience and keeps them focused.

1 comment:

  1. Unit 26 Assignment 1 Presentation Feedback

    Connor: can you add a paragraph on your blog analysing another Nolan scene for the mise en scene elements (costume, prop, setting, off screen space, facial expression) remembering to explain the meaning/impact or how these examples make the audience feel.

    Sound, could you analyse another Nolan scene in some detail on your blog, using the terms (diegetic/non diegetic, sound bridge, ambient sound) to describe the sound, but also you need to explain how the pace and tone of the sound creates a mood for the audience.

    Add a paragraph on your blog that proves that Nolan is an auteur, referring to the films he has made and research you have done.

    add to get a distinction
