Wednesday 26 November 2014

Unit 33 assignment 1

What is a ident? 
A i dent is a logo or a video what is trying to get across a brand or channel. This is a good marketing opportunity because you can also promote a programme what is new. You see Idents before a TV show comes on. Idents change all the time with different styles to them. I dents dont tend to last long ( 30 seconds ) This helps audiences to remember the channel . TV channels will use idents to help their schedule.
Why we use idents 
Idents show what channel you are watching. But they also have idents to get their branding across ( Logo ). Idents are a good marketing technique to get something across.

The genre of this ident is comedy. Its comedy because what you see in the ident is something you wouldnt normaly see. For example a old man drawing a pair of boobs ( 0.03) and then at ( 0.11 ) we see a dog on a canal boat with a purple helmet on and a number 4 holding a sign saying " The purple helmet crew " and this gears you up for the show what's coming on and the next show what was coming on was a comedy.
At (0.19) we see the dog watching TV and the thing he is watching is another E4 ident. So this ident by E4 is suitable because it makes people laugh and thats the goal for a comedy. I think it's suitable for the genre because this ident is funny and the things we see init are totally random.

Film4 GAS STATION ident.

The Gender what can releate to this ident can be both. The ident feels like it's a scene out of a movie so it's hard to say it's one or the other.


  • To persuade.
Idents like to persuade audiences so the channel gets more views.
  • To create a brand identity 
Idents want to get across their logo or image so the audience will remember them. 
  • To sell programmes 
Idents are a good opportunity to get a new programme promoted and noticed.
  • To break up the programmes  
This is so the viewer doesn't get bored of the same adverts on
  • To keep the viewer from turning over 
Idents are important to keep the audience on the channel.
  • To map out the TV schedule.



Footage filmed.( With Crew ) 


Adobe after effects

Cinema 4d

Pre - visualisation

Voice over


Post production - billboard transmission

Analysing a suite of Idents - BBC4 


We are going to analyse some BBC four idents from their suits.
DESIGN ELEMENTS: what ere the key colours,text,speed and use of space.
Colours - black and White of the logo. 8 secs in hand transition to pink ( other bright colours )
Connotate simplicity - Life being straightforward/ realistic.
PURPOSE:  What do you think the Ident is being used for? What kind of audience is the ident targeting.
To sell variety of programmes. Because of footage.
The style is unexpected and trying to prevent you for turning over.
CREATIVE:  What ere the most creative elements of the ident. What brand identity are they trying to create.
Transitions of the hand, Sound effects. Pace and structure is fast enough.
COMPARE:  Which of the idents was more creative? Better at targeting the audience? suitable for audiences.

Design Elements:  BBC FOUR BIRDS.
There Isnt a range of colours. The colours we see(shades) are black and white this suits what the ident is trying to get across. The ident is in my opinion is showing birds but also sea life and Beaches I know this because of the sounds they have used (0.01). Text.The only text is the logo for BBC Four they are not trying to distract you with any other text . Speed. The speed of the ident is slow.
Purpose: The ident is being used for to try and get across and genre whats on BBC Four.
The style is unusual.

Creative: You can tell that the ident was made on aftereffects or some sort of graphics website. BBC Four want their logo strongly in the ident.

Design Elements: BBC FOUR BEES. 

All the colours stay the same during the ident. The colours used are bright: Blue, White and Orange. There isnt only text sept the BBC logo. The sound of the ident doesn't go and it doesn't fit for the purpose.
I think the ident is trying to reach out to a audience who likes Animals and their culture. This would target the high braw audience.
This ident doesnt have much creative side to it. There is only still pictures. The transitions are very boring when they change the view of the image.
The ident I thought was the most creative was Lauras. There is more variety in the shots - waterfalls, birds,jellyfish and also had better fitting sound. The bird ident was possibly the least creative because the use of greyscale was dull.
The bee ident was possibly the least creative because it has unimaginative sound and images.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Unit 23 Studio Diary

Your role - how do you feel about it? 

My role is a camera operator. Its not the best job in the studio but I do enjoy it.

What have you been responsible for in the studio?

I have been responsible for setting up shots and filming the production. I also have responsible to look after the camera and also the others in the studio.

How do you feel about the idea?

My opinion is the idea is good. I think the presenter should talk about more tips and talk about different festivals. But overall the idea will be a success because teenagers who haven't been to a festival will find it useful.

What has been discussed in the production meetings?

  • The layout of the set. 
  • Who is going to be the presenter/presenters. 
  • What could the presenter/presenters talk more about.
  • What we could put on the green screen  

What has been useful in the rehearsals ? 

  • Going over the script to see if there was any errors 
  • Checking the sound and all the ear pieces worked. 
Has there been any problems you have had to over come  

Wednesday 5 November 2014

unit 23 assignment 1


multi camera set up is a method to make whatever your filming easier to catch and  everything what is going on and better because you get different angles. This makes the production look better and the audience doesn't lose interest. Many production companies have a multi camera set up because the production they are doing maybe live.


Single camera production  
Most low budget shows use single camera.

A single camera production is where only one camera is on set every shot and everything what's being filmed is all on the same camera. A single camera production can be great because it can get the most out of your actors and also save you money on equipment and crew.


Peep show is a famous single camera production This gave it a certain depth to the show and give it a different feel to normal comedies . This didn't stop them from making a great TV show.  

 Pros and Cons of multi camera production.

The following web links talk about the pros and cons of working in a multi camera set up. In my summary the pros and cons are.


  • Time saving- Multi camera will save you loads of time and this is great if your doing a big production because if anything goes wrong you can go back.
  • Editing - Editing takes a long time to do so having a multi camera production will save money.
  • Live events - Having multi camera production on a production what is live is a must because you can get different shots and also capture more.


  • Cost- Cost is very important if you making a production you have to manage your money right. If your production is low budget you are better off  doing a single camera production.
  • Set - You might be out on set and not all of the cameras can fit.

 A list of TV shows what use multi camera.  

8 out 10 cats is a Quiz show it uses a multi camera production to film it. You see the use of one the cameras at 0.19 it seems to be on crane then they cut to another camera at 0.22 to one of the guests on the show they have cut to a mid shot.

Match of the day extra is a multi camera production. It starts of with a wide shot so you can see all the guests at 0.28 this is a good use of multi camera production because we get to see who is on the show and also we get to identify who is the presenter.As the presenter is saying the names of the guests different cameras zoom in so we know who they are and what they look like.

We get a wide shot at 0.02 of the set and we see the guests and presenter at 0.04 there is a mid shot of the guests laughing and enjoying them self's. Then we get a close mid shot at 0.07 when the presenter starts talking. Then we get a wide shot at 0.15 because one of the guests stands up so we need to see whats going on.

 At 0.04 there is a zoom in to make it more tense for the viewers. Then it cuts to the guest who is playing the game to see her reaction at 0.06 and then at 0.15 the camera cuts to a person in the audience watching to see what their reaction is. As the show goes on 0.21 we get a long mid shot of one of the guests opening their box and they repeat the zoom in action to create tension.

This is skys coverage of Manchester city vs QPR. At 00:38 to 00:42 we see a graphic on the screen and then it cuts to the studio. This will be because they will want to get the reaction of the commentator and we want to see the game being played. It is good to have a multi camera production on this programme because we see all of the presenters reacting in their own ways. We also hear the fans in the stadium to make us feel closer to the action.

At the start 0.01 we get a graphic on screen showing the both teams also with the voice over of the commentator. As the player the scores the camera changes to to a cameraman down on the pitch so we can see the player celebrating. This is in the 11th minute of the game. As the highlight of the goal is shown they use another camera. The camera is high up in the stadium this is because we can see how the goal was made. In the video we see a series of graphic used for the goals scored by each person and by each team. At 17 minutes in the game Reading get a throwing. The camera changes again the the camera man near the pitch. This is because it makes the viewers feel closer to the game.  


In my opinion the deal or no deal had the worst use of multi camera because it repeated the same shots over and over and they got boring they used a mid shot too much in my opinion. The best use of multi camera in my opinion was the Jonathan ross show because they had guests moving about so they had to be quick to think and they don't use the same shot or camera. They don't stay on one shot for too long as well they had to do this because the guests was moving about. I don't think any of the two could of been done with a single camera production because there is too much to capture and the pace of the two productions is too fast.