Thursday 15 May 2014



Set in modern day times (2014) and out of the blue a German Scientist finds a ‘cure’ for cancer. The world goes mad for the cure Zilch. As the numbers are very high for the cure not everyone can have it, So this causes chaos everywhere. So when people do start getting the cure their cancer goes away. Because when people have cancer they have certain amount of days, weeks, months, years to live so when the cancer goes away and the day comes when they was post to die of cancer the zilch cure doesn’t work and then they get very ill and they die but then because they still have the zilch cure in their system they come back alive but not as normal as a “zombie”

So The Narrative of the story will follow a teenage boy called Max. Max is one of them boys who does everything for him self his family isn't there for him so he is reliant on him self. His Mum Jane Doesn't work but stays at home doing drugs and going out with random men. So when the news breaks that his Mum has Cancer and at the same time the news breaks out there is a cure for it Jane thinks she's in luck and that she has a second chance at life. But cause the cure is so rare Max goes out and tried to find it. He fails at getting the cure but he meets a man called Dane Phillips. Dane Phillips is kind of a shady guy. He sees that Max is trying to break in to a hospital trying to get the cure few days later Dane sees Max again and offers him the cure but max has to do a series of tasks to get it. Max finally gets the cure and gives it his mum and she is cured. Months go by and people start to die of cancer and turn in to zombies. So the world goes to crap and everyone is left to fight for them selves. Max is left to fight for him self but he is out to find Dane Phillips who gave him the cure. Max is out to kill Dane. But it isn't that simple for Max because of the zombies, Max has to find food, shelter and also Dane. 

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