Friday 16 May 2014

Assignemnt 22/24 Step by step

EXT - On a road

Max is walking home from college. ( Music Playing )

INT - Max's House 

Max Gets home from college(Dialogue) Makes him self something to eat and turns the TV (Diegetic sound ) ( Dialogue )


Jane ( Max's Mum ) Is waiting in hospital for test results of her doctor. Her doctors meets her ( Dialogue ).

INT - Max's house

Max is looking through his Mums open mail he finds one from the hospital. His Mum walks in at the same time as Max is looking through the mail ( dialogue ) because shes drunk spills out that she has cancer.


Max goes to speak to his mums doctor. When he find him Max asks him about the cure( dialogue ) Doctor has to let Max down ( Dialogue )

EXT - On a road

Max is looking at the hospital looking for away in. As hes looking for a way in a police car drives past (diagetic sound ) Max goes home. At the same time Dane Phillips is watching him.

EXT - Out side the hospital

Max is back out side the hospital before he breaks in Dane Phillips stops him ( Dialogue ) This is Max's point.

Thursday 15 May 2014



Set in modern day times (2014) and out of the blue a German Scientist finds a ‘cure’ for cancer. The world goes mad for the cure Zilch. As the numbers are very high for the cure not everyone can have it, So this causes chaos everywhere. So when people do start getting the cure their cancer goes away. Because when people have cancer they have certain amount of days, weeks, months, years to live so when the cancer goes away and the day comes when they was post to die of cancer the zilch cure doesn’t work and then they get very ill and they die but then because they still have the zilch cure in their system they come back alive but not as normal as a “zombie”

So The Narrative of the story will follow a teenage boy called Max. Max is one of them boys who does everything for him self his family isn't there for him so he is reliant on him self. His Mum Jane Doesn't work but stays at home doing drugs and going out with random men. So when the news breaks that his Mum has Cancer and at the same time the news breaks out there is a cure for it Jane thinks she's in luck and that she has a second chance at life. But cause the cure is so rare Max goes out and tried to find it. He fails at getting the cure but he meets a man called Dane Phillips. Dane Phillips is kind of a shady guy. He sees that Max is trying to break in to a hospital trying to get the cure few days later Dane sees Max again and offers him the cure but max has to do a series of tasks to get it. Max finally gets the cure and gives it his mum and she is cured. Months go by and people start to die of cancer and turn in to zombies. So the world goes to crap and everyone is left to fight for them selves. Max is left to fight for him self but he is out to find Dane Phillips who gave him the cure. Max is out to kill Dane. But it isn't that simple for Max because of the zombies, Max has to find food, shelter and also Dane. 

Monday 12 May 2014

Treatmant notes

Dialogue/ action

 No bullet points
Spelling/ grammer
Exiting language

Ext- out side
Int- inside

Sunday 11 May 2014

Unit 22/24 Research Dairy


Ashton Moss - I will be using this location because there is loads of fields and its looks empty. I will use this location at the start of the short film.

My own house - I will use my own house to show that Max has somewhere to live but I will use props to show it looks like no one lives there.

Tame side hospital/ Ashton sixth form college - I will  use the hospital for when the character max tries to rob the cure for cancer or I will use the college for a facility what holds the cure.

Londis shop - I will use any shop but I will use the shop for when the character max has to rob it so the character Dane Phillips will give him the cure.

Because my short film will be about cancer I thought it would be helpful if I did some research on the different types of cancer.

There are more than 200 different types of cancer. You can develop cancer in any body organ. There are over 60 different organs in the body where a cancer can develop.
Each organ is made up of several different types of cells. For example, there is usually a surface covering of skin (epithelial tissue). Underneath that there will be some connective tissue, often containing gland cells. Underneath that there is often a layer of muscle tissue and so on. Each type of tissue is made up of specific types of cells.

Physical changes

The body begins its natural process of slowing down all its functions. How long this takes varies from person to person - it may take hours or days. The dying person will feel weak and sleep a lot. When death is very near the dying person may have


My target audience will be the age of 13/28. The gender of my audience will be mostly male because most males like blood and gore and also anything with zombies in. But this does not mean there wouldn't be any female viewers But the ages of the females would be around 16/29 years of age.

 Max - Connor Milligan
 Dane Phillips - Elliot Dugdale.

Friday 9 May 2014

unit 22/24 3 act structure

3 act structure

Act 1. 

Intro;At the start it would show a montage of a day in Max's life. The first scene will start with a long shot of Max just walking home but the shot will have a grey color wash. It will also have a tracking motion Max is walking.
 Get to see in to Max's life and the struggles in his life and you get to see his mum and dad arguing. In the intro you get to see how independent Max is you see how he can look after him self. You see how poor his family is. The first parts of the film you see Max just doing his own thing like roaming the streets, kicking a ball about. So we get the feel Max is bit of a loner. As Max is watching the TV alone the news breaks that a German Scientist has found the cure for cancer. Max shouts his Mum but she isn't in.

Act 2.

As the world is going crazy for the cure and their is a high demand for it in the poor parts of the UK. Then we get a sight on to Dane Phillips life and notice that his Mum isn't well. Then we found out she has cancer. Dane Tries to get his hands on the cure but fails to get one. When it looks like he has failed to get his hands on the cure  Dane meets a guy who says he can get his hands on the cure but he asks Dane to do some things before he can give it to him he wants Dane to do some tasks for him the things what Dane have to do is to rob a store but i will have a montage of all the tasks Dane has to do.

Act 3

Dane finally gets the cure and gives it his mum.She is cured for the time being. Few weeks have gone past and Danes mum Lisa is tarting to feel ill again. The next day Dane is watching the news and there is breaking news about the cure. How the cure only lasts until the day your cancer was post to kill you and then on the day your post to die of cancer the zilch( cure for cancer ) turns you in to a zombie. So all the people who have taken zilch will eventually turn into a zombie. So because Danes mum Lisa has taken the fake one but still dies anyways. at this point Dane is at his lowest point and is very angry at the guy gave it to him. Dane finds out that there is a Zombie Apocalypse so he gathers all his knives and weapons what he has.

Friday 2 May 2014

unit 22/14 moodboard

unit 22/24 Character Biographs

Name: Max....

Aged: 17


Son to Phil and Jane. But they are divorced.
No Brothers or Sisters.
Grandson Mike and Peggie


Cheap clothing suitable to a boy his age.Hair is up a little bit he wears a just a T shirt a jacket on and with blue/ black .A bit dirty because he hasn't had the chance to wash. about 5ft 8.


 Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Risk-taker. Loyal to their peers but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems.

Dane Phillips   

Age - 38                                                                            


Son to Lisa Phillips. doesn't know his Dad


Tall about 6ft2 with long black hair greasy. Brown cargo pants with a white T shirt

Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function.

unit 30 assignment 4

Our advert compared to the real EE advert is that out advert gets straight to the point. The compared advert uses a celebrity so this got the attention of viewers straight away. So we had to get to the point of 4g straight away to keep the audience focused. We didnt use any fancy graphix like the real ee advert, we used photo shop for the logo. We only used the college grounds to film but compared to the the real EE advert they used loads of locations but they would of also used a stage. In out advert we based it just off connection and how fast it is but in the real EE advert it shows a variety of ways you can use it such as gaming,TV shows and films. In our advert we spoke about 3G and how 4G is better. In the real EE advert they didn't bring it up.