Wednesday 30 April 2014

unit 22 assignment 1

What is a single camera production? 

Single camera production uses a single camera for all various shots. Small time movie makers normally start of with single camera production. Scenes are normally filmed all together so if there a dialogue scene all the lines of one character will be shot together and same for the other character, then it will be edited to look like they are having flowing conversation.

Single camera production  follows certain rules. it is used in situations what there not post to be in. It is easier to process. Expense you may not able to afford more than one camera. Performance you can re do it more times puts more pressure on the actor who the camera is on.  you can only get a single camera in certain locations. There is less crew on a single camera production.

 Shows like Breaking bad will be a single camera production. But also big time movies such as The hobbit is a single camera production. So not all single camera production has to be low budget production.

Why film makers use single camera production.

Small time film makers are the most common to use single production but this doesn't mean big blockbusters aren't single camera productions also. The reason why they use single camera production is because of cost. Its cheaper to do a single camera production because you are only using one camera and less crew on set. Film makers love to get the best out of their actors so using doing a single camera production will most properly get the most out of them 


With single camera production the level of performance would be better because the actor knows when to bring his/her a game

If your thinking of making a small film are series here are some advantages and disadvantages to single camera production.


Low budget as you're only using one camera. You can spend the other money on other stuff such as more crew or advertising.

More flexibility don't have to worry about other cameras in shot. All your focus can be on one camera to get the right shot and to make it look good  

Faster to get all the shots. This saves time and money and you can move on to other scenes 

Directors have more control over the shots. You get your full ideas and opinion across more. you can spend more time getting a good quality shot 

Get more out of your actors. This can make your film look more professional 

Only having one camera mean you have to keep moving it about and setting it up. This wastes time and money. Also this can be dangerous.

If your camera gets broken you might lose all of your shots. This can be expensive to buy a new camera and also a lot of time and effort would of been lost.

Time consuming due to moving the camera and setting it up. Can take a while to get the right position for the camera.


A format of a film or TV series means a form of layout of type. For example most formats or single production are TV series such as Breaking bad and Game of thrones.

Serial- A one off production.

Series- Breaking bad, Dexter, Game of Thrones. Series means more than one. So Breaking Bad will have more than one episode and also more than one season

One off ( film ) most films are single camera doing multiple shots. This is one camera doing all the work. most low budget films/ tv do this. 
flash back- the flash back can happen in a linear film Exposition ( back story ) Most films do this so the audience can understand the narrative or give more of in sight of whats going on in the film.

For Example the TV series Dexter has flashbacks to his past when he was a child and then we understand why he acts the way he does.

Realist - Set in the real world- The Machinist is set in the real world. Realist only means real life nothing is made up. films years ago would of done this kind of film because the lack of technology.

Anti- real - Set up in a fake world like the Hungar games. The Hungar games is set in a fake world. Nothing is real. As technology is developing more films are going with the anti-real genre. Anti- real is very popular because of the technology used and how good things look

Ending - open/closed- may leave on a cliff hangar. Un answered question.

Resolution - problem solved ending of the film ( closed ending)

Narrative - Most know as storyline.  

Saving Private Ryan. Saving Private Ryan is about a group of guys set to do a mission to go and tell private Ryan that he doesn't have to fight in the war anymore because his three brothers have died. As the group are going to find Private Ryan they come across some enemies on the way.

non linear  - doesn't follow a clear structure.

Films such as Inception is a good example of a film what has a non linear narrative. The film has flash backs and also at times its set in a dream. 
Memento is also a classic example of a film what is non linear. 

Exposition ( back story ) this can be resolved by flash backs

 Enigma - mystery. inception is good example for Enigma because it feels like there is two ways you can make up yourself

Technical codes

The camera work is shaky and it makes it more realistic like its just happening there and then this is the feeling that the TV show wants you to feel. The show has these little scenes where it feels like there just happening and the camera just catches. Then the camera man will zoom in to the faces of the characters to get more depth of the scene and try and catch the feelings and emotion they are feeling,you can tell by the movement of the camera that it is being held by some one and that their moving around.The editing isn't any thing fancy just a clear natural cut. The lighting is what you would expect a work place should be like back in 2001 there is no dramatic lighting its all dim and dull. The sound is also natural you know their isn't any voice overs or any soundtrack playing and there is diegatic sound of people working in their offices.

1 comment:

  1. Unit 22 Assignment 1 Feedback
    No Mark.
    Connor after a good start this assignment lacks content. You discuss the reasons why filmmakers use single camera setups and why. You give reasons such as it being a cheaper option but also offer an alternative view that blockbusters can also be single camera productions. After this unfortunately your format, narrative and technical sections require work. The format and narrative sections are just bullet points and need to be fleshed out with more detail, opinion and examples. Your technical codes section requires more understanding of how technical codes affect the audience. How they define the genre/format and how they create meaning. Once done then there is no reason why you cannot achieve merit.
