Thursday 24 April 2014

unit 20 assignment 1 notes

Single camera production what uses a single camera. it follows certain rules. it is used in situations what there not post to be in. It is easier to process. Expense you may not able to afford more than one camera. Performance you can re do it more times puts more pressure on the actor who the camera is on.  you can only get a single camera in certain locations. There is less crew on a single camera production.


Serial- a one off production.
Series- breaking bad, Dexter, Game of Thrones

One off ( film ) most films are single camera doing multiple shots

flash back- the flash back can happen in a linear film Exposition ( back story )

Realist - set in the real world

Anti- real - set up in a fake world like the Hungar games

Ending - open/closed- may leave on a cliff hangar. Un answered question

Resolution - problem solved ending of the film ( closed ending

Narrative - linear start to finish

non linear  - doesn't follow a clear structure

Exposition ( back story ) this can be resolved by flash backs

 Technical codes 

Camera Movement, editing , lighting, sound , mes

Enigma - mystery

 3 act struture
act 1
intro to characters, propagandist, antagonist, setting/ world. incitney inciden.

Act 2

Obstacles- increase threat.
first solution
lowest ebb ( cant get any worse )  mid point

act 3 

Final solution
climax- biggest obstacles



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