Friday 14 March 2014

unit 30 assignment 5


The EE brief is set in quite a formal way but it is also a relaxed. The things that make the brief relaxed is some of the words that they use in the brief. The words that make it informal are words like "Brainstorming, Big Hint and amazing". These words at a relaxed atmosphere because they are not telling you what to do they are telling you what they would like you to do. The brief also has to be quite formal so the company gives you lots of information about them and how they formed and what it is all about. The EE brief is different to the IMB brief because the EE brief is set in quite a relaxed way whereas the IMB brief is set in a very formal way.

How clear is their message is.
Their message on what they want you to do is quite clear to the reader. The brief is clear because they give you lots of bullet points on what they want you to do. They also give you lots of slides where they are telling you how they want you to do it and how they are going to show the advert. The message for the brief is explicit because it wants you to say that the company is good and make it obvious who the advert is about.

How open each brief is for negotiation.
The EE brief isn't telling you exactly what they want you to do. EE tells you what they want from you but they are not telling you how to do it they are letting you do what they want but in your own way. The brief doesn't give you a target audience, they want you to find out who to target yourself and let you target them in a way that you want.

The opportunities that it offers you is that all they are telling you to do is to make sure that people understand what 4G is and why it is so good and to make people realise what else they are able to do with 4G to make them want to get 4G so they have given them some freedom on how they want to make the advert as long as it mentions 4G and what people can do with it.

The brief for EE be to to produce something that tells people how to use 4G and something that would help them to use it and they want us to show all the things that 4G can do and why it has change the way that people can use there mobile phones and the brief for the people is to make it so that people will think that 4G is good so that is the brief.


The Barclays brief is very formal very easy to understand the brief is all written and not complicated they are very relaxed about the whole advert idea.their message is very clear they have  some bullet points of what they want you to put in the advert and Barclays are very negotiable in the brief Barclays give you some examples how you can do your advert but they are on some level they do want to see certain things in there advert  they are not telling you how to do it they are letting us be in charge of how we do it. The opportunities Barclays give you is £200 street vouchers and a place on the ladder, aslo barclays help you get experience and gain more skills  

the opportunities that the brief gives you is that it shows you different ways to present an advert and to show it, so it gives you a brief idea on what to do and how you could do it. It also gives you inspiration on how you could present your advert, that you could have a video with bright colours and catchy music that people will remember. It gives a link to the 'dumb ways to die' video as an example. Not only does it give you ideas on what you could do for your advert, it also tells you things that you should not do, things such as

  • they don't want the advert to dwell on people and for it to be sad
it also tells you on how you could present your advert and in what form. for example, you could present your advert as an audio which could be on the radio, or you could present it as a print ad which would be in magazines. you may not have used most of these techniques, so this will be an opportunity to learn a new skill. It gives you ideas on how to present your advert to people. it tells you what you should cover and what you could use like a powerpoint or a prezi

The Format of the IBM pitch is very formal and makes sure that you understand the clear and strict instructions on what they need you to do. But on the other hand the way that the brief is displayed to you with brightly coloured writing and briefs it takes away the formal side of the brief and makes the brief a bit more fun and more enjoyable to make you think that yes they are very strict but they do it in a nice way to get things done. I believe that the brief is not up for that much negotiation because they have a plan and they are going to stick by it by giving strict instructions on what they want and explaining about what they want and therefore giving you the right instructions to give you the information to build on. The Opportunities for me as a media professional is that it will be highly commended that you will be invited to join the ladder of IBM but is guaranteed to give you the experience you will need and a place on the ladder. Furthermore the IBM brief is very focussed on imagining how you and them can change your life in the next 5 years and make life better for everyone using the internet. Further more the brief for IBM give you the information they want you to have they keep it short so theres not too much information to take in compared to the EE brief. 

1 comment:

  1. With these notes you have successfully achieve merit for unit 5 outcome 1.

    You must post the audio file of the presentation along with this.

    Initial feedback:
    After reading the brief you demonstrate and understanding of the style of the brief and the brand opportunities within each brief (M1). You consistently compare the briefs although you state that you couldn't make an advert for young people! You highlight your own limitations as a group and this is good self reflection (M1). A lot of your discussion isn't supported with clear examples unfortunately and there is more info required to fully meet the merit criteria. To achieve merit you must talk through the style of your chosen brief and discuss it's structure, style, tone using specific examples such as font, colour, language, use of bullet points. You discuss negotiating the brief throughout by relating to your interpretation and how flexible the EE brief is but you never use the terminology and mention this negotiation. Your terminology needs to be more consistent to achieve merit. A good effort but a little more work required.
