Thursday 16 January 2014

unit 6 notes

Genre; Genre is a french word for TYPE.

Target Audience; I specific audience for a specific topic. for example age,gender.

Mode of address; How we target are audience

Oppositional Reading; This is when the audience are in complete disagreement with the product’s message or setting. what your not to think/ feel about the product. 'GTA is evil and makes you violent'

Preferred Reading; This is when audiences respond to the product the way media producers want/expect them to.

Generic Conventions; what you expect to see.

Star Trek

Comedy fans- Got a close up of Simon pegg ' its exciting'
Sci-Fi fans - Setting of spaceships
Men - sfx pf explosions, costume removal bra shown. close ups of fist fights.
Star trek fans- close up of Spock moving of hand.  
women- strong narrative of women in the film.

Main streamers and also explorers for the change.


narrative is always linear, things happen in order.
Non lnear - is a flash back in the narrative.
enigma codes9 puzzles we need the character to slove and keep us interested)

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