Monday 11 November 2013

unit 3 finished with comments.

Types of research.

What research techniques are the best.
Qualitative- Opinions from other people
Quantitative- Facts and figures.

How are they different;- Qualitative and Quantitative or very different research methods. Here is a example why they are different.                                                        

 So quantitative is all about figures and numbers and qualitative is more description or opinions.

Which is better?

Its very hard to say which one is better overall because it depends on what research you need to do. Many people who are snobby about research would say that quantitative research is more scientific and therefore much betterI can see why some people insist that quantitative research is better than qualitative research. One reason for this is that it is more scientific. A large amount of data is gathered and then analysed statistically. This allows for very little bias, and if 100 researchers ran the analysis on the data they would always end up with the same numbers at the end of it. The researcher also has more control over how the data is gathered and is more distant from the experiment. However, in qualitative, the researcher is often the person doing the interview or involved in some other way. This does not allow them the outside perspective gained from doing quantitative research. There is also more bias involved in qualitative research. 

Primary;- research undertaken by you or your group.

Secondary;- research what has already been done for you.

Benefits of primary;- 

The benefits of primary is that its first hand information and it can be very easy to gather information.Data interpretation is better. The collected data can be examined and interpreted by the marketers depending on their needs rather than relying on the interpretation made by collectors of secondary data. Collector of primary data is the owner of that information and he need not share it with other companies and competitors. 

Production research- 

Production research - the collection and analysis of information for the content and production of a media product.


Because I am making a documentary I need equipment so I need to do some research on what equipment is good for what job. The research methods I will be doing will be Qualitative and Quantitative these two research methods are good because Qualitative is feedback from other people so this is use full if your getting feedback from people who have used the equipment to say its good or bad. Quantitative is also a good research method for equipment because it will shows facts and figures and  how many people have used what equipment and how much it will cost. So i will be using both research methods.


Content is very important in making a documentary because you need to do the right research for the right people to be in your documentary so the right research method is very important. Qualitative is properly the best research method because its first hand and you can ask for peoples opinions and you can ask your own questions.


I am doing a documentary and i am doing  research on audience the best research method would be is Quantitative ( quantitative is all about facts and figures)  because if your making a documentary and its the same genre of another documentary what has been made and you check the stats and figures of that documentary and then you know you will get a high audience rating or not. plus it can show when is a good time for making a documentary.

Market research  

Market research is very important because you need to collect information and see if their is a market for your product your trying to do. if you want to find out your audience you will have to do primary research such as doing questionnaires or doing interviews and focus groups to find out what the public's opinions. another good way to gain good information of the public is to do a online survey. The best way to promote your product is to do advertising such as boards, TV adverts, advertising in news papers or magazines. You can also do secondary research so you can see the facts and figures to seee what the audience likes so you can see what products do well and what time of year they do well or bad.

What is research data? 

"Research data, unlike other types of information, is collected, observed, or created, for purposes of analysis to produce original research results." 

"Research data is defined as recorded factual material commonly retained by and accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings; although the majority of such data is created in digital format, all research data is included irrespective of the format in which it is created." 


  1. Connor. This work is a bit of a mish-mash. Although there are descriptions of different research methods and data it isn't clear you fully understand the difference between the two. Some of your post makes little sense and I suspect that a lot of it has been copied and pasted from the internet. You fail to make the distinction between research methods and research data in addition to no having any information on market research.

    You therefore have no mark for this assignment. You must add something about market research and also clearly state what is a research method and what is research data to hit pass criteria.

  2. Final Feedback
