Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tourism and culture in manchester.

Tourism Trade in Manchester.


Sarah Walters "says that last year, around seven million visitors visited them and no doubt spent some money at them on everything from hot drinks to high end jewellery". 

This quote isn't that useful because its Sarah's opinion and its biased and its not specific. but it shows us the amount of people who go and see them and how popular they are and what they do for the economy. it was easy to understand an what Sarah Walters was saying  how popular the markets are and what people like to go for.  

 By Claire Hannah , 15th November 2013, 12:57

 Christmas Spokesperson, said: “If Manchester is the king of Christmas, then our very own Christmas Markets are the jewel in our crown. I would have the chalets up and open from September if we could. They give the city centre a perfectly festive atmosphere with a traditional, festive taste of Europe – and renowned as being the original, biggest and best.
“It’s an honour to receive the hundreds of traders from the continent, and of course from across the north west, many of whom for many years have chosen to return to Manchester for their festive trading season.
“This year we are celebrating a remarkable 15 magical years of the Christmas Markets, and to celebrate there will be a very special feature this year that will make sure this year’s market will be more exciting and memorable than ever – the limited edition, specially minted Manchester Market Shillings!”

This is biased because the Christmas spokesperson works for the Manchester council so he is going to big up  Manchester markets 

A similar Documentary.

The way it pulls in the audience is that it uses good shots of the markets so the audience gets a good view of what they look like. there is a voice over telling us whats going on and keeps are focus. In the documentary there are interviews with people who work on the markets and they are asked about their opinions and there are interviews with customers and we get a view of their opinions on the markets.


their wasn't any books on about Christmas markets so I found a book on how to make a documentary to help me know the basics to make a documentary because i haven't made one before.

The Documentary film makers handbook- By Genevieve Jolliffe and Andrew Zinnes:- First published in 2006.

"I think its wise to take a look at the history of documentary film. That way you've not trying to invest in something that's already been made" page 12

This means that you should be careful in what documentary you make and make sure you do deep research to make sure your not making something alike of what already has been made before.

This research was very useful because you do not want to be making the same documentary as someone else.



My documentary will be observational ( voice over) , the documentary will start of with some footage of the markets this is to let the audience get a feel and get their focus and then we will get some interviews with people who own a stall ask about the history of the markets and why they work there  and they will be asked other questions and then we will ask some of the customers in the markets some questions to get their opinions and then we will get some nice footage of the markets and the lights.

How am i going to target my audience?

I am going to target my audience by making a question air and then analysing it then making stuff appeal the certain ages. But in my documentary I will have a have music in the background so this should appeal to people. I will get footage of some food and beers for the male audience and then some clothes and girlie stuff for the female audience.

Who is your target audience? 

My target audience is people who want to go in to Manchester and want to see what the markets look like and what they offer and to see if Manchester is worth to go and see. So the ages of my audience will be 16- 40 years old of both genders. And also people who want to learn about what the markets do for Manchester and what it does for the economy.

How will mine be better than other documentaries

My documentary will be better than others because it would of had deep research behind it. interviews with people in Manchester. A good length so the audience doesn't lose focus and gets bored.Also their will be good shots of the markets and good Christmas music in it.

What will my audience learn?

the audience will learn abit about the history of the markets and abit about theworkers. also they will get a understanding of the customers view of the markets. also they will learn some facts about the markets.

1 comment:

  1. You have got relevant qualitative information but have not summarized conclusions from it or explained how useful it was reflecting on issues such as influence or bias. You need to add this.
    Your information is relevant, but you could have a look at getting another couple of research sources and summarizing them .You need more data and statistics research and you need to summarize the information from your questionnaire as that is not here, explaining what is better, primary or secondary research, and qualitative or quantitative data. You also need to make sure you have gotten the names and titles of all sources, along with years etc. A good idea would be to list them all at the end in a bibliography.

    Your treatment is sound but somewhat basic and restricted more to description rather than examples of what will happen in your documentary It needs to be much more detailed so that I can really understand what the idea is, add some examples of the things you want to be in your documentary and what it will look/sound like.. It contains some basic errors of spelling and punctuation.
