Thursday 28 November 2013

Contingency plan

 my group has given me to do the Contingency plan

 Our original is plan going in to Manchester and Getting footage of the Christmas Markets and getting some interviews with the people who work on the markets and interviews with people who are shopping and asking them questions and tring to get their opinion. 

Are back up plan is going to be a totally different documentary it will be based on a barber shop in clayton. will get footage of some of the customers and ask them some questions

documentary notes

times/ dates

Record who's doing what.

Make a script. For observational for the voice over. and questions

make a quick check of your locations see if its alright to film.

Story bored your locations.

risk assessment write down what the risks are.

Constituency plan( back up plan )

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Tourism and culture in manchester.

Tourism Trade in Manchester.


Sarah Walters "says that last year, around seven million visitors visited them and no doubt spent some money at them on everything from hot drinks to high end jewellery". 

This quote isn't that useful because its Sarah's opinion and its biased and its not specific. but it shows us the amount of people who go and see them and how popular they are and what they do for the economy. it was easy to understand an what Sarah Walters was saying  how popular the markets are and what people like to go for.  

 By Claire Hannah , 15th November 2013, 12:57

 Christmas Spokesperson, said: “If Manchester is the king of Christmas, then our very own Christmas Markets are the jewel in our crown. I would have the chalets up and open from September if we could. They give the city centre a perfectly festive atmosphere with a traditional, festive taste of Europe – and renowned as being the original, biggest and best.
“It’s an honour to receive the hundreds of traders from the continent, and of course from across the north west, many of whom for many years have chosen to return to Manchester for their festive trading season.
“This year we are celebrating a remarkable 15 magical years of the Christmas Markets, and to celebrate there will be a very special feature this year that will make sure this year’s market will be more exciting and memorable than ever – the limited edition, specially minted Manchester Market Shillings!”

This is biased because the Christmas spokesperson works for the Manchester council so he is going to big up  Manchester markets 

A similar Documentary.

The way it pulls in the audience is that it uses good shots of the markets so the audience gets a good view of what they look like. there is a voice over telling us whats going on and keeps are focus. In the documentary there are interviews with people who work on the markets and they are asked about their opinions and there are interviews with customers and we get a view of their opinions on the markets.


their wasn't any books on about Christmas markets so I found a book on how to make a documentary to help me know the basics to make a documentary because i haven't made one before.

The Documentary film makers handbook- By Genevieve Jolliffe and Andrew Zinnes:- First published in 2006.

"I think its wise to take a look at the history of documentary film. That way you've not trying to invest in something that's already been made" page 12

This means that you should be careful in what documentary you make and make sure you do deep research to make sure your not making something alike of what already has been made before.

This research was very useful because you do not want to be making the same documentary as someone else.



My documentary will be observational ( voice over) , the documentary will start of with some footage of the markets this is to let the audience get a feel and get their focus and then we will get some interviews with people who own a stall ask about the history of the markets and why they work there  and they will be asked other questions and then we will ask some of the customers in the markets some questions to get their opinions and then we will get some nice footage of the markets and the lights.

How am i going to target my audience?

I am going to target my audience by making a question air and then analysing it then making stuff appeal the certain ages. But in my documentary I will have a have music in the background so this should appeal to people. I will get footage of some food and beers for the male audience and then some clothes and girlie stuff for the female audience.

Who is your target audience? 

My target audience is people who want to go in to Manchester and want to see what the markets look like and what they offer and to see if Manchester is worth to go and see. So the ages of my audience will be 16- 40 years old of both genders. And also people who want to learn about what the markets do for Manchester and what it does for the economy.

How will mine be better than other documentaries

My documentary will be better than others because it would of had deep research behind it. interviews with people in Manchester. A good length so the audience doesn't lose focus and gets bored.Also their will be good shots of the markets and good Christmas music in it.

What will my audience learn?

the audience will learn abit about the history of the markets and abit about theworkers. also they will get a understanding of the customers view of the markets. also they will learn some facts about the markets.

notes research

Research Diary - Secondary

2 books- On my topic, Target audience, on how to make your documentary. get a quote from a book write the pg no and author name. summaries what the quote means in my own words. how use full was the research. was it relevant? was it easy to understand? will it inform your documentary.Find a section from a book that is useful to you and summaries is into 3 or 4 bullet points. How useful was this section. was it easy to understand was is biased

2 websites. Academic, relevant. Find a section from a website that is useful to you and summerise it into 3 or 4 bullet points. was it biased? easy to understand? link the website and the author of the website and then summer arise what the quote means in my own words

2 magazines/ newspapers.
 find a quote from the magazines/ news paper write the author and when it was published and write down what the quote means in your own words. write down if it was use full, was is baised. write down the date when it was published. Read a section of a article and summarise it into 3/ 4 bullet points

ask questions like. Do you watch documentaries. What kind of documentaries and why and ask them about your topic
analyse other documentaries for the things they used to hook their audience pull out specific things like music,people in the video,graphics

 Treatment what is in it and how to set it out

 how am i going to target my audience
who is the target audience. age,gender,interests
how will mine be better that other documentaries for young people.
plot/out line. you have to explain if its ( participatory/ observational)
what will my audience learn?

Wednesday 13 November 2013

notes unit 3

Content- The story, what its going to be about, what sources of information might you need.

 Equipment- quanative research because its facts and figures.

 Socio- economic status

First class
Middle class
Bottom class

 Market research

Competition - whats already out there- succesful documentaries already out, documentaries with similar content.

Competitor analysis- why were the competition documentaries successful?

advertising placement- how should the documentary be marketed?

Monday 11 November 2013

unit 3 finished with comments.

Types of research.

What research techniques are the best.
Qualitative- Opinions from other people
Quantitative- Facts and figures.

How are they different;- Qualitative and Quantitative or very different research methods. Here is a example why they are different.                                                        

 So quantitative is all about figures and numbers and qualitative is more description or opinions.

Which is better?

Its very hard to say which one is better overall because it depends on what research you need to do. Many people who are snobby about research would say that quantitative research is more scientific and therefore much betterI can see why some people insist that quantitative research is better than qualitative research. One reason for this is that it is more scientific. A large amount of data is gathered and then analysed statistically. This allows for very little bias, and if 100 researchers ran the analysis on the data they would always end up with the same numbers at the end of it. The researcher also has more control over how the data is gathered and is more distant from the experiment. However, in qualitative, the researcher is often the person doing the interview or involved in some other way. This does not allow them the outside perspective gained from doing quantitative research. There is also more bias involved in qualitative research. 

Primary;- research undertaken by you or your group.

Secondary;- research what has already been done for you.

Benefits of primary;- 

The benefits of primary is that its first hand information and it can be very easy to gather information.Data interpretation is better. The collected data can be examined and interpreted by the marketers depending on their needs rather than relying on the interpretation made by collectors of secondary data. Collector of primary data is the owner of that information and he need not share it with other companies and competitors. 

Production research- 

Production research - the collection and analysis of information for the content and production of a media product.


Because I am making a documentary I need equipment so I need to do some research on what equipment is good for what job. The research methods I will be doing will be Qualitative and Quantitative these two research methods are good because Qualitative is feedback from other people so this is use full if your getting feedback from people who have used the equipment to say its good or bad. Quantitative is also a good research method for equipment because it will shows facts and figures and  how many people have used what equipment and how much it will cost. So i will be using both research methods.


Content is very important in making a documentary because you need to do the right research for the right people to be in your documentary so the right research method is very important. Qualitative is properly the best research method because its first hand and you can ask for peoples opinions and you can ask your own questions.


I am doing a documentary and i am doing  research on audience the best research method would be is Quantitative ( quantitative is all about facts and figures)  because if your making a documentary and its the same genre of another documentary what has been made and you check the stats and figures of that documentary and then you know you will get a high audience rating or not. plus it can show when is a good time for making a documentary.

Market research  

Market research is very important because you need to collect information and see if their is a market for your product your trying to do. if you want to find out your audience you will have to do primary research such as doing questionnaires or doing interviews and focus groups to find out what the public's opinions. another good way to gain good information of the public is to do a online survey. The best way to promote your product is to do advertising such as boards, TV adverts, advertising in news papers or magazines. You can also do secondary research so you can see the facts and figures to seee what the audience likes so you can see what products do well and what time of year they do well or bad.

What is research data? 

"Research data, unlike other types of information, is collected, observed, or created, for purposes of analysis to produce original research results." 

"Research data is defined as recorded factual material commonly retained by and accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research findings; although the majority of such data is created in digital format, all research data is included irrespective of the format in which it is created." 

Friday 8 November 2013

Unit 1 assisgnment 1

How is a shooting schedule made? 

If your making a shooting schedule you have to break down your film etc down in to parts. This will help you figure out if you need more time to work on a certain peace. also making a shooting schedule you have to balance your fiance. making a shooting schedule its very important to do it with your crew members. A shooting  schedule is made by the director picking out where and when he wants to film and how long for, so everything is planned for a certain day. 

Why is it important to have a shooting schedule?

it is very important to have shooting schedule because then you know what your doing for each day and you can plan what you need for each day and its easier because you haven't left anything last minute and your documentary/ film can be done faster. It is important because your crew know what to do and what they need for a specific day. A shooting schedule is good because it makes the progress of making a documentary/ film faster and its very professional.

You can on distribute and screen your film in public if it is cleared. This means that you have written permission to use everything and everyone that appears in your film.

Crew Members 

Rob Kuhn - The editor of The most hated family in America. 
Other work he has done; This Is a Game, Ladies
(2004), The birth of the living dead, Redemption 

Anne Nikitin- did the music for the Imposter (2012), Journey to the edge of the universe(2008), locked up abroad, The fugitive chronicles(2009). 

James Marsh- director of; Man on wire, Project Nim, The king, Shadow Dancer. 

What you need to be an editor.
An editor must have
  • an instinct for recognising patterns, organising ideas and creating categories;
  • a willingness to question assumptions, theories and facts; and
  • an interest in learning new things.
An editor must not only be proficient in grammar, spelling and composition, but also have the ability to
  • visualize the end product while focusing on and remembering details,
  • think logically and exercise good judgment,
  • reorganize a document to achieve clarity and momentum,
  • recognize what's missing in a passage,
  • use a wide range of reference materials,
  • work within deadlines,
  • keep an eye on the budget and
  • work well with the many other people who are a part of the publication process.

Film directors have generally put in years working their way up from a lower-level crew member, such as a production assistant, building up a portfolio of work that showcases their abilities. Most directors makes their directorial debut on smaller independent films and commercials before director major commercial films. Aside from experience, becoming a director requires networking and gaining key contacts in the industry.
Although not required, many directors have received formal training through bachelor’s degree programs in film. University or college film programs typically explore cinematography, production and editing with hands-on experience using techniques and equipment.


Where do you get the money from to make a documentary? 

Normally if you work for a production company such as BBC,CHANNEL 4 you would pitch your idea then if its good they will give you a certain amount to make your documentary. But if not their is other ways such as getting money from the lottery,also you can get funding from BFI they have over £15million to invest a year they invest in up coming or world class film makers, .


the documentary I have chosen is The imposter. The imposter was set in America, Texas but they also used locations set in Texas like houses of the people in the documentary, restaurant, airports and a school in Texas so they could of gone to Texas film commission to find good areas to film. In the state of Texas you don't need to require a film permit. They also used footage from Spain, Madrid and also used footage from the news.

The director would of asked the head teacher if they was allowed to do some filming in the school then they would get a a day pass or a week pass depending on how long they have to film. Then for the interviews they would of asked the owner if they could do filming in their house.

in the USA Trespassing is a misdemeanour; and in order for someone to be considered a trespasser a sign must be posted and the person must be asked by the owner or a Police Officer to leave and refuse to do so.

What did they have to do to get permission to use these locations?

They would of had to Contact the family if they could use their houses to do some filming in this case the family said yes. For the other people in the documentary they would of been asked the same. But for the interview in the restaurant they would of ask the manager to check if its alright to do some filming in there.


the Imposter was made by Film4 productions and A&E indie films and the equipment they have is

Sony PDW-F800 XDCAM HD Documentary Shooting Kit 2x lenses, monitor, matte box & tripod
  • Sony PDW-F800 XDCAM HD Camcorder
  • HJ22x7.6 BIASD Video Style Zoom Lens
  • HJ11x4.7 BIRS Video Style Wide Angle Zoom Lens
  • Chrosziel 16:9 Clip On Matte Box
  • Director's Monitor
  • Sachtler Video 20 2-stage carbon fibre Tripod                                                                             £370 per day 
    1000/week (2 weeks+)
  • Sony PMW-F5 HD Doco Shoot Kit with 2 x PL zoom lenses and Accessories 

  • Sony PMW-F5 Camera body
  • 2 x 64GB SxS Pro+ Express cards (4 hours of HD MPEG2@30p)
  • SxS Card Reader
  • Bridge Plate with 15mm bars system
  • ARRI MMB1 Matte Box complete with top flag
  • Shoulder kit
  • Sachtler Video-20/O'Connor 1030 3 stage Carbon Fiber Tripod system
  • Angenieux 16-42/T2.8  Optimo DP PL Zoom Lens
  • Angenieux 30-80/T2.8 Optimo DP PL Zoom Lens                                                               


Bebop LUX 60 Portable Reporter Light (LED) ( £35 per day )

Rosco Lite pad Gaffer Kit (LED)
lite pad (Light panel) Gaffer Kit ( £75 per day )


K6/ME66 Gun Mic
Microphone ( £10 per day )

Why having the right kit is important

Having the right kit is very important because you want to have the best detail you don't want your documentary looking low budget and unprofessional. Also you want the audience to enjoy what their watching. You want your work looking the best it can be. Not having the right kit can slow down your progress of making a documentary.


In the documentary the imposter they used old homemade footage, old pictures, footage from the news so they would of ask the news company( channel5news) if its alright to have clearance on using their footage in the documentary , voice recordings from the police. They would have to get clearance to use these by the people who own them or the person who made them because if they didn't they could get in trouble and get sued. They properly got the homemade footage for free because the documentary was about the family. for the trailer of the documentary they would of used a song in the background then would need clearance for this. the way how to get clearance is to ask studio producer or the record company. 

What is PRS? 

The PRS is a group what licences songs for the radio,TV,used on the internet,CDs and DVDs. If any company wanted to use a song for a production they would have to go through the PRS and if not the company or person who has used a song with out permission will get fined.


 Frédéric Bourdin
 Carey Gibson
 Beverly Dollarhide
 Bryan Gibson
 Codey Gibson
 Nancy Fisher
 Charlie Parker

The specialists advisors

Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D
 Philip French


DOCUMENTARY project notes

Unit -3 Reasearch techniques
Unit -2 commincation skills
 Unit -1 Pre production

 Unit 1 Assignment 1 ; understand how documentaries are made.

Outcome 2; Make folder with all your knowledge of your planning.

 Outcome 3; Show the teachers my documentary. And get their feedback.


What is a shooting schedule?
Why is it important to have a shooting schedule?
 How long does it take get clearances music/clips?


I need to watch a couple of documentaries and watch the credits find out crew members and what other documentaries.


Where do you get the money from to make a documentary?
How much is it to clear music or clips.

where was the documentary you have chosen filmed?
what did they have to do to get permission to film there?


From the same documentary find out what equipment they might have used, any specialist kit.
What camera, sound, editing equipment will you need to make your documentary
what are the costs of hiring things like this?
why is having the right kit important

from a documentary you have seen what archive or materials from other films
have they used popular music, who would they get clearance from
what is clearance/ copyright, and who do you pay for/ get one.

Materials/ contributors

from a documentary of your choice, find out who the contributors were, who they interviewed? were their any specialist advisors they needed to make a documentary

Thursday 7 November 2013

dans lesson

Quanlitative- Opinions from people for example ; film review, discussion, reactions 

Quantitavie numbers, data for example audience viewing figures, dvds sales, office sales.

Primary Research- Reasearch undertaken by yourself or group- first hand 

 focus groups.

Secondary Research- Previous reasearch undertaken by others that you can use from.

Books/ Magazine
archive footage

Data gathering agencies certain agencies are set up to gether and publicise information


Monday 4 November 2013