Tuesday 24 March 2015

Unit 27 - Factual Programme Production Techniques for Television

1) What do we mean by factual programmes  

Factual television is a genre of non-fiction television programming that documents actual events and people. These types of programs are also described as documentary, observational documentary, fly on the walldocudrama, and reality television. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the term factual television has most commonly been used to describe programs produced since the 1990s.  In factual programmes may provide actual facts but not all documentaries are factual.

2) Give some examples of the different types of factual programmes on TV.  

  • News 
  • Documentary  
  • Field reporters 
  • interviewing 

3) What is a documentary?  

The documentary genre has radically evolved in recent years and so it's not a surprise that there may be some confusion about "what exactly is a documentary!".  Documentary attempts to represent the world in a realistic style. Documentaries are based on opinions and point of view.

A documentary is a broad term to describe a non-fiction movie that in some way "documents" or captures reality.

4) What are the different types of documentaries? Give examples to demonstrate your points.  

There is many types of documentaries based on different things. A famous person known for documentaries is louis theroux. He has a certain style to how he does his documentaries.

  • Poetic documentaries 
  • Expository documentaries 
  • Observational documentaries 
  • Participatory documentaries 
  • Reflexive documentaries 
  • Performative documentaries  

What are the conventions of a documentary?  

  • Voice over 
  • Based on a certain person/subject 
  • Interviews 
  • Opinions 
  • Facts 
  • Linear narrative 
  • Graphics  
  • Handheld 
  • Narrative structure  
  • Real people
What are the conventions of a news bulletin? 

  • Interviews  
  • real footage 
  • Presenter 
  • voiceover 
  • More serious  
  • Non diegetic sound ( intro )/diegetic sound  
  • Multi camera set up 
  • Narrative structure

The 3 issues that effect factual programmes 

Truth, Cant lie, Factual, Situations do not naturally occur for the camera. Prior to shooting there is planning and preparation. The invasion of the camera will alter peoples reactions. editing

Leaning towards own opinion, one sided, Unbiased to get facts.

How its shown, To do with the topic or person or issue. These things can be missed represented.

Positive values of factual programme. 

  • Keeps us updated  
  • Entertainment 
  • Factual   
  • Gives us a insight on other peoples lives 
  • Educate  
  • Create empathy urge audience to help(change)  

Benefits street 

Fly on the wall style - Participants are on benefits

Selection of clips. Some participants claimed they were duped - Thinking it was a programme about community spirit ( ALL 3 )

Scrounger label

ITV program expose Gaddafi and the IRA.

People may question accuracy reliability of future programs


Mis representing the 1988 attack. It could have insulted families  


We expect more from the BBC 


Mis representing the natural habitat of the polar bears. 

Fox News is prime example of a bias news company. We watched Out-Foxed and learnt about how Rupert Murdoch put a bias and propaganda spin on issues covered by American news company FOX. They revealed only partial information on stories and not the full picture. They also didn't interview guests fairly. This is breaking their contract with the viewer (what the viewer expects of the programme) as they aren't reporting the full story. Manipulation techniques are also used to show one political party to be weaker than another; to the viewer, this shows the political party as being weaker, not just the individual. In addition to this, they would only read news stories that are positive to one side of the argument rather than both to make the show more accurate. FOX also use the breaking news theme/graphics when the news isn't that important. 

BBC Bias and the Iranian Revolution 

BIAS - The BBC was not simply reporting events but influencing them in favour of regime change 

Trevor mcdonald

Sky Sports



The groups factual programme

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