Tuesday 19 May 2015

Unit 21 add ons

Terrestrial TV.
Terrestrial television is a type of television broadcasting in which the television signal is transmitted by radio waves to the TV receiver from a terrestrial (Earth based) transmitter, a television station, and received with an antenna. The term is more common inEurope, while in North America it is referred to as broadcast television or sometimes over-the-air television (OTA). The term "terrestrial" is used to distinguish this type from the newer technologies of satellite television (direct broadcast satellite or DBS television), in which the television signal is transmitted to the receiver from an overhead satellite, and cable television, in which the signal is carried to the receiver through a cable.
Terrestrial television was the first technology used for television broadcasting, with the first long-distance public television broadcast from Washington, D.C., on 7 April 1927. The BBC began broadcasting in 1929, and had a regular schedule of television programmes in 1930. However these early experimental systems had insufficient picture quality to attract the public, due to their mechanical scan technology, and television didn't become widespread until after World War 2 with the advent of electronic scantechnology. The television broadcasting business followed the model of radio networks, with local television stations in cities and towns affiliated with television networks, either commercial (in USA) or government-controlled (in Europe), which provided content. Television broadcasts were in black and white until the 1960s, when color television broadcasting began.
Why was it turned off?
Most of the set-top boxes supplied to you with your digital TV connection – whether it’s satellite, terrestrial or cable - include recording facilities, usually called PVR (for personal video recorder) or DVR (for digital video recorder).

TV service providers and retailers typically provide enough detail about the specifications for each set-top box for you to make an informed decision. The easy one to understand is the number of hours of recordings the hard drive inside the box can store. You should also check whether you can watch something else while a programme is being recorded.
But you can only sample the most important element – the interface by which you operate the box/recorder – by actually seeing the box.  

A PVR is a versatile TV recording device that stores the programmes you have recorded onto a large internal hard disk drive. Typically they can store hundreds of hours of recordings. 

Freeview is a digital TV service which works through your normal TV aerial
What are the benefits?
Freeview is received via a standard aerial so there are no additional costs.
You can access up to 50 TV channels
You are not tied to a subscription package
Free High Definition services are available*
* A HD box and HD Ready TV is required to watch in high definition. HD service subject to coverage.

Freesat is a digital TV service which works through a satellite dish.
What are the benefits?
You can access over 140 TV channels.
You are not tied to a subscription package
Free High Definition services are available**
** A HD box and HD Ready TV is required to watch in high definition. 

Three different editing softwares  

Final Cut Pro is the name given to a series of non-linear video editing software programs - first developed by Macromedia Inc. and later Apple Inc. The most recent version, Final Cut Pro X 10.2, runs on Intel-based Mac OS computers powered by OS X version 10.9 or later. The software allows users to log and transfer video onto a hard drive (internal or external), where it can be edited, processed, and output to a wide variety of formats. A fully rewritten and re-imagined non-linear editor, Final Cut Pro X, was introduced by Apple in 2011, with the last version of the legacy Final Cut Pro being version 7.0.3.   

Adobe After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing application developed by Adobe Systems and used in the post-production process of filmmaking and television production. Among other things, After Effects can be used for keying, tracking, rotoscoping, compositing and animation. It also functions as a very basic non-linear editor, audio editor and media transcoder. 
sony Vegas Pro is a video editing software package for non-linear editing systems (NLE) originally published by Sonic Foundry, now owned and run by Sony Creative Software.Originally developed as an audio editor, it eventually developed into an NLE for video and audio from version 2.0. Vegas features real-time multitrack video and audio editing on unlimited tracks, resolution-independent video sequencing, complex effects and compositing tools, 24-bit/192 kHz audio support, VST and DirectX plug-in effect support, and Dolby Digital surround sound mixing. Up to version 10, Vegas Pro runs on Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista and 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions). Version 11 dropped support for Windows XP, and version 12 is 64-bit only. 

What is better HD or Standard Definition?  
HD of High Definition is a term that is most often used to describe TV sets and videos that have higher resolutions compared to the standard. Standard definition TV sets and video are commonly called as 480p, referring to the 480 rows of pixels from top to bottom. HD usually contains 720 or 1080 rows from top to bottom, thus the 720p/1080p designations.

The general objective for HD capable screens and videos is to provide a much finer display than SD. This is very comparable to digital cameras and the need for a greater megapixel count to produce better images. The difference between HD and SD might not be very noticeable when dealing with smaller displays. But once you use a much bigger display, it then becomes apparent that the SD picture tends to be blockier or more pixilated compared to HD. This is because of the need to maintain the same number of pixels no matter how big the screen. Smaller screens have smaller pixels and bigger screens would have bigger pixels that might start getting noticed. A 720p display can be up to 1.5 times bigger than a 480p display while maintaining the same pixel size. 


Read more: Difference Between SD and HD | Difference Between | SD vs HD http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-sd-and-hd/#ixzz3aZzT5pUC  

Tuesday 21 April 2015

unit 27 powerpoint a1


Unit 27 a2 individual treatment

My idea will be on how gaming has changed over the years. It will show old gaming consoles vs the new gaming consoles. It will show facts about the companies who make consoles. Also I will show footage of games made on certain consoles vs of other games made on another consoles for example PS4 VS XBOX ONE. I will have interviews with two generations on their thoughts on how gaming has changed. Also I will talk about how gaming will be in the future and what to expect.
The documentary will have. 
  • Facts 
  • Interviews 
  • Graphics 
  • Presenter.  
You will learn. 
  • Different consoles 
  • Dates for when they cane out 
  • Companies  
  • Different games 
  • What different consoles do  

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Unit 27 a2 proposal

Idea proposal -
Our idea is to make a How To/Step by Step factual program. The video will contain facts, tutorials, and tips. In the program we will demonstrate how to sculpt. There will be a presenter who is also making the sculpture who will talk the viewers through the step by step process from creating your basic shape to getting the finer details. We will use graphics to show the equipment needed and the best clay to buy. The age of the target audience will be varied but all viewers will be interested in sculpting/animation/3D design etc. The audience will be both male and female because anyone can enjoy the video. The idea is very creative and very hands on. The viewers will hopefully come away from our tutorial at least knowing how to do basic sculpting techniques, and some will be able to create more detailed sculptures. It will be set in the studio using the multi camera setup. the centre camera will be our main camera but we will cut to secondary cameras to get closer shots of the sculpture and the details.    

What will the audience learn? 

  • Different types of clay
  • What tools to use 
  • What certain tools do and why you should use them
  • How to start your sculpt
  • The different skills 
  • The different people who do other sculpting videos/ famous sculptors/animators 
  • Step by step instructions    
legal and ethical consideration
As we are filming inside a studio we don't have to worry about filming anyone we don't know getting permission to film anywhere public or private. We will make sure that what we are making isn't offensive to anyone. Copyright- if we wanted to use a well known song we would have to check if its copyrighted and ask permission to use it as if we don't do this using something that is copyrighted is a serious offence and can cause serious problems.Trademarks- if we use a product that is trademarked we have to get permission as if we don't we can get in serious legal trouble.

Research -
 11 pcs Pottery Clay Sculpture Carving Tool Set / Made of Wood and Metal--Great for Clay, Paint, Foam Crafts, Wood Models, Art Projects, Sculpture and Other Craft Projects 
( £2.84 )

5Pcs Wooden Pottery Clay Sculpture Carving Tool Set 

Sculpting a torso

How to sculpt facial features
Sculpting a monster (full body)

Learn about air drying clay 
 Air drying clay is the best clay to use for sculpting, especially as a beginner or for a hobby because it doesn't require a kiln or oven to set it. Also its very easy to obtain and cheap meaning you'll always be able to get it whenever you need it.

Air Drying Stone Clay ( amazon )
Air Drying Stone Clay ( ebay )

Shot list



Risk assessment

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Group ideas

How to make sculptures 
Factual Programme on cars
Ecigs the effects
 under age Drinking

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Unit 27 - Factual Programme Production Techniques for Television

1) What do we mean by factual programmes  

Factual television is a genre of non-fiction television programming that documents actual events and people. These types of programs are also described as documentary, observational documentary, fly on the walldocudrama, and reality television. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the term factual television has most commonly been used to describe programs produced since the 1990s.  In factual programmes may provide actual facts but not all documentaries are factual.

2) Give some examples of the different types of factual programmes on TV.  

  • News 
  • Documentary  
  • Field reporters 
  • interviewing 

3) What is a documentary?  

The documentary genre has radically evolved in recent years and so it's not a surprise that there may be some confusion about "what exactly is a documentary!".  Documentary attempts to represent the world in a realistic style. Documentaries are based on opinions and point of view.

A documentary is a broad term to describe a non-fiction movie that in some way "documents" or captures reality.

4) What are the different types of documentaries? Give examples to demonstrate your points.  

There is many types of documentaries based on different things. A famous person known for documentaries is louis theroux. He has a certain style to how he does his documentaries.

  • Poetic documentaries 
  • Expository documentaries 
  • Observational documentaries 
  • Participatory documentaries 
  • Reflexive documentaries 
  • Performative documentaries  

What are the conventions of a documentary?  

  • Voice over 
  • Based on a certain person/subject 
  • Interviews 
  • Opinions 
  • Facts 
  • Linear narrative 
  • Graphics  
  • Handheld 
  • Narrative structure  
  • Real people
What are the conventions of a news bulletin? 

  • Interviews  
  • real footage 
  • Presenter 
  • voiceover 
  • More serious  
  • Non diegetic sound ( intro )/diegetic sound  
  • Multi camera set up 
  • Narrative structure

The 3 issues that effect factual programmes 

Truth, Cant lie, Factual, Situations do not naturally occur for the camera. Prior to shooting there is planning and preparation. The invasion of the camera will alter peoples reactions. editing

Leaning towards own opinion, one sided, Unbiased to get facts.

How its shown, To do with the topic or person or issue. These things can be missed represented.

Positive values of factual programme. 

  • Keeps us updated  
  • Entertainment 
  • Factual   
  • Gives us a insight on other peoples lives 
  • Educate  
  • Create empathy urge audience to help(change)  

Benefits street 

Fly on the wall style - Participants are on benefits

Selection of clips. Some participants claimed they were duped - Thinking it was a programme about community spirit ( ALL 3 )

Scrounger label

ITV program expose Gaddafi and the IRA.

People may question accuracy reliability of future programs


Mis representing the 1988 attack. It could have insulted families  


We expect more from the BBC 


Mis representing the natural habitat of the polar bears. 

Fox News is prime example of a bias news company. We watched Out-Foxed and learnt about how Rupert Murdoch put a bias and propaganda spin on issues covered by American news company FOX. They revealed only partial information on stories and not the full picture. They also didn't interview guests fairly. This is breaking their contract with the viewer (what the viewer expects of the programme) as they aren't reporting the full story. Manipulation techniques are also used to show one political party to be weaker than another; to the viewer, this shows the political party as being weaker, not just the individual. In addition to this, they would only read news stories that are positive to one side of the argument rather than both to make the show more accurate. FOX also use the breaking news theme/graphics when the news isn't that important. 

BBC Bias and the Iranian Revolution 

BIAS - The BBC was not simply reporting events but influencing them in favour of regime change 

Trevor mcdonald

Sky Sports



The groups factual programme

Thursday 12 March 2015

unit 8 bbc script

Introduce the BBC as public service broadcaster and explain what it is?     CM

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a UK-based international public-service broadcaster headquartered at Broadcasting House in London.
It is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with around 23,000 staff in total, and 16,672 in public sector broadcasting. The BBC caters for the public. They have to provide entertainment and education on their channels The BBC was founded on 18th October 1922. The founder was John Reith. 

How are they funded?  ( AM )
The BBC earned around £5 million last year. The BBC are funded by the TV licensing fee. This means that each household that owns a TV pays £145.50 a year to watch TV. This goes to the BBC. The BBC earns about £3,726.1 million from the licensing fee. The BBC also earns about £1,023 million from BBC commercial businesses. They also earned around £244.6 million through government grants.£72.1 million is then from other things like rental collections.How are they structured?  

Royal character      CM
The BBC is established under a Royal Charter. The current Charter came into force in 2007 and runs until the end of 2016. It explicitly recognises the BBC's editorial independence and sets out its public purposes.
Under the Charter, the BBC is governed by the BBC Trust, which sets the strategic direction of the BBC and has a clear duty to represent the interests of licence fee payers. The Trust sets purpose remits, issues service licences and holds the Executive Board to account for its performance in delivering BBC services.
The Trust works closely with national Audience Councils in order to understand the needs and concerns of audiences.
The Executive Board is responsible for the operational management of the BBC. Directors from across the BBC contribute to the leadership of the organisation as part of the Executive Team.

 Media regulator
Government responsibility for broadcasting and creative industries in the UK lies with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services.

What debates are there about the usefulness of the licence fee? What alternatives are there? What is my opinion?   CM

Some argue that the licence fee is outdated and should be scrapped; others say that it should stay but be distributed beyond the BBC. It's right that these issues are debated and that we engage with the counter-views. With the public paying the license the BBC would be bankrupt and many people will lose their job. People argue that the license fee is too much and like to see the money spent elsewhere. My opinion the bbc shouldn’t be private so it can make money off adverts and sponsors.

What new technologies have they developed and how have they changed the way we watch TV/ BBC.     AM

You can watch the bbc online now. The BBC let you catch up on your favourite TV shows. This is a great way to catch up on the shows you have missed during the week. More and more people are resorting to this because their busy life styles. 


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Unit 8 film script

Introduce the film company and why they are famous? CM
 Walt Disney is a world famous company. They are famous for their great films. Such as Toy story, Monsters inc and frozen. They do a wide rang of things and own so much. Walt Disney own Marvel, espn , ABC news.

What are some of their most successful box office? CM
 Walt Disney has had great hits at the cinema. Here is a list of the their most successful box office movies; The avengers (£600 million), The pirates of the Caribbean (400million), finding Nemo (300 million ) so the the figures don’t lie walt Disney have made some great movies. Walt Disney will carry on to make more films in the future.

Who is their competition? CM
 Walt Disney have to keep their game up because their competitors are 20th century fox, warner bros, sony pictures and paramount pictures. All these companies are also some sort of conglomerate.

How are they Structured AM
 Walt Disney is both vertically and horizontally structured. Disney is vertically structured because walt disney owns it's own production company which is Walt disney studios. They also own their own Distribution company which is Buena Vista. Disney are also able to show their film in a cinema due to the fact that they own disney channel so they can display all their films on there.
Disney is also horizontally structured. It is horizontally structured because disney owns their own book company, they own ABC so they can display their own products on that channel and they also own disney music group.

How much are they worth? AM

Walt Disney last year made around $84.186 billion. Disney is a very successful company as you can tell by their income. Disney are the second richest conglomerate in America. The only company that is richer than them is Comcast. Another thing that makes the company very successful is the awards that they have won. Disney has won many awards from the films that they have produced. The highest grossing film that was produced by Disney is Marvels The Avengers. This film broke many different records for the north american box office. Some records that it broke are biggest income for an opening weekend, highest income for an opening week, highest income for a films second weekend. The film was also nominated for 13 people choice awards which it won 3 of. It was also nominated for 6 Saturn award of which it won 4. 

What debates are there about the power of the few media companies? What is my opinion? CM

In my opinion I think it’s scary because there is only 6 companies what own pretty much everything to do with media or entertainment. And the fact they hide it by owning smaller companies and naming them different names is saying they want to hide the fact that they own so much. If people knew this I think they would panic.

What new technologies has the film industry developed? AM
 A big new technology is 4D film. 4D film has developed because now if you go to specific places in the world you can watch films in 4D. 4D is more advanced than 3D because with 3D you wear glasses and it will make you feel like the film is coming out of the screen and you are really there whereas with 4d it also adds thing to it where the audience might feel things that are happening in the film e.g if it was raining in the film you might feel rain drops hitting you or if there are lots of flies you might feel like they're there.