Tuesday 21 October 2014

Unit 23/4

My topic I want to do is a TV channel what talks about new films and also review TV series. I will have guests on with different types of opinions.  This idea will be popular because we will do a various types of films and TV series with different genres so it would get more views.  Here is some viewing figures of a similar programme.

Some problems we might come across is that we will need people to come on as guests and also present the show. But because everyone is doing their own finding the right time for them will be tricky. Also if anyone in my team isn't in then we are missing are important person of the team.


My idea is a talk show/ review show. The conventions are guests who enjoy the programme we are reviewing and then someone who doesn't enjoy the programme and then let the presenter and guests discuss the programme.


I don't want the layout to look like the news because I don't want people to be drawn away. I don't want the layout to look too serous. I would like the guests and presenter to be in formal clothing.


In my show I will need a presenter or if I can I will have two. Then I will need Two or more guests on the show. But I would want the guests to all have different opinions on what the shows based on. I will have a female on male on the show so I will always have one female and one male and the third could be either. The show would also require a director and floor manager 2/3 camera men and 1 vision mixer

Wednesday 15 October 2014

unit 33 evaluation


I set out to make a interesting stop motion. I wanted people to look at my stop motion and be stunned at the characters and set. My goal was to achieve a good lucking stop motion with set and characters and sound I didn't want it looking rubbish I wanted it to look professional . I think I have achieved this with the sound effects and characters. I think the weakness is that we didn't think through how hard it would be to move our characters. The characters clay is different all over his body because where we've had to move him/her and the clay was left in college over night so some of the clay got hard.Our target audience is anyone who likes action. Our stop motion is based on two guys fighting for a girl. It has a villain and a hero. I used a variety of sounds. I had a sound track for when the characters were walking I had some ambient sound in the back. I had some gore sound for when the villain got stabbed to make. I put some a sound track in for when the villain openend his eye to create tension. I had a halo theme song playing through the stop motion.

 Characters. / Best part of my stop motion.

Audio List  

What did you think about the narrative? 
Good, understandable and suitable.  
What do you think of the character design? 
Fingerprints on the characters. 
Fitting for the characters. 
All the characters look different.   
well made.
What do you think about the colours? 
Very good. 
What do you think about the set? 
Well made.
What bits do you think could have been better? 
complete edit.
add more sounds. 
My target audience was.. do you think it targets them? 
The stop motion was suitable for the audience.
 Stop motion Video


Mini focus group

- The narrative was clear and easy to understand

Character design
-The design was well good. Face expressions and body features were very clear.

-colours looked good and looked like it was night time, it was clear the colours fitted the mood of the animation.

Set design
- Set design was really good, again it looked like night time which was what we were going for.

- To make the battle screams of the character longer to fill some silence. Heighten the volume of some audio tracks so sound is clear.

Target audience
Target audience was well targeted and achieved.

Self evaluation of stop motion

We set out to make a stop motion about two character, a hero and a villain, who were fighting over a women. I would say we achieved what we set out to make but had aspects that we did not intend like comedy but it fits well.  In my opinion the best parts of my animation are the panning shots and the sound effects used because of how well they are synced.
In my opinion the weakest part to my animation is some of the movement because on some shots you can tell when the models had been moved and also you can see some shadows of people moving around in the background but this is only minor. Are target audience was teenagers, I think we have targeted them well because of the content of the animation.
In this shot example we see the two characters fist fighting, this doesn't target children because fighting isn't something you show children so this animation is a bit strong for people below the age of 10. It is also not for adults because the aspects of comedy that have been included in the animation I don't think adults will find funny.
We used two different types of sound. We used soundtracks and some sound effects from the internet. We also used some custom made sound effects that couldn't be found on the web. The sound track that we used is one from the game halo to add intensity to the animation. The sound effects were used to create speech noises like in morph and to add sound to actions the characters made. I thought the sound effect of the villains hand moving worked well because it was synced well at fit really well with the action. I also liked the use of the battle cry as they add that little bit of a comedy effect.

Evaluation of public viewing

The most common answer about the storyline was that is was very easy to understand and follow. The audience said they could recognize the narrative developing.
 In terms of the characters we had very mixed views, some saying they recognized the hero, villain and female victim, others saying that they couldn't recognize which was the hero and villain. The over all response we got was that you could tell who was who.
The most common response about the colours was that they suited the theme and atmosphere of the animation, 6/7 comments of the colours were positive.
Most comments on the set were positive and said it looked good and again reflected the theme of the animation. Some people said we could of made the set a little more gritty to but the urban feel across to the reader.
The most common answer for what we could have done better was to make the movement a little smoother so the animation looked that much more professional.
Every person we asked about the audience replied with the same answer, which was that it targeted teenagers well, we also got another comment that says it targeted teens but people also up to the age of 30.
All the comments we revised was fair in my opinion. I know the stop motion could of been better/smoother. The criticisms we got was on the set and also the movement of our characters. The set could of had more of a dark/grittier feel. All the comments said they liked the narrative of the stop motion. We are pleased with this because we set out to make a good stop motion with great characters but also with a strong narrative. I think we achieved this.

  I am going to compare are stop motion to one of Lee Hardcastles. Lee Hardcastle made a stop motion called hitman absolution. This has the same similarities as are stop motion. It is similar because of the fight scene and it has a hero and a villain and the hero wins at the end. The only thing what is different about Lee hardcastles is that there is more than one villain and they are not fighting over a female. Lee hardcastles was bitter because he has more time and has more experience in making stop motion videos. I wanted to make a stop motion like this because Lee hardcastle in my opinion is one of the best stop motion makers around.