Friday 27 September 2013

My choosen film- Inception.

i am doing inception and the comparison film i will be doing is Fight club

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan is the only working auteur today.

At its simplest level, the auteur theory states that a director is the principal author of a film, despite the inherently industrial nature of filmmaking, in which dozens of parts must work together to create the whole. This is usually borne out by a cohesive creative vision evident throughout a director’s body of work.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Christopher Nolan   

Writer, The Dark Knight
Best known for his cerebral, often non-linear storytelling, acclaimed writer-director Christopher Nolan was born on July 30, 1970 in London, England. Over the course of a decade plus of filmmaking, Nolan has gone from low-budget independent films to working on some of the biggest blockbusters ever. At an early age.
Stanley Kubrick 


Director, The Shining

Stanley Kubrick was born in New York, and was considered intelligent despite poor grades at school. Hoping that a change of scenery would produce better academic performance, Kubrick's father Jack (a physician) sent him in 1940 to Pasadena, California, to stay with his uncle Martin Perveler. Returning to the Bronx in 1941 for his last year of grammar school.
Steven Spielberg
Producer, Saving Private Ryan
Undoubtedly one of the most influential film personalities in the history of film, Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywood's best known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. Spielberg has countless big-grossing, critically acclaimed credits to his name, as producer, director and writer
David Fincher 
Director, Fight Club
David Fincher was born in 1962 in Denver, Colorado, and was raised in Marin County, California. When he was 18 years old he went to work for John Korty at Korty Films in Mill Valley. He subsequently worked at ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) from 1981-1983. 
Martin Scorsese
Director, Goodfellas
Martin Scorsese was born on November 17, 1942, in New York City, and was raised in the neighbourhood of Little Italy, which later provided the inspiration for several of his films

unit 38 outcome 2

Me and my group went out to record some sounds but unfortunately we did not put the the sound levels up on the field recorder so when we tried to listen to it we couldn't here anything. This is a good lesson to learn for next time we go out to record sound.

unit 26 editing.

Shot trasitition- cut, fade ,dissolve 

Parcel action- two things happen at the same time.

Montage- lots of shots to send a message.

Shot duration- long time, short time.

unit 26 film studies sound and editing

Sound bridge- Goes over into the next scene.

Contrapuntal- doesn't fit the image.

 The matrix- 

Diegetic dialogue 
Sound track ( ambient ) 
Non Diegetic sound track 
Sound bridge( Alarm ) 

500 days of summer- 

Non Diegetic sound track
Diegetic dialogue 
Contrapuntal sound.

Mean girls-

Non Diegetic sound track 
Voice over 
Contrapuntal sound
Diegetic dialogue 

Casino Royale 

Diegetic sound.
Diegetic dialogue.
Non Diegetic sound.

Friday 20 September 2013


Hybrid- More than one genre heading.

Good Fellas diner scene

The first transition used in this scene I would say is POV the editor and director have used this shot so it helps the sequence move along. Then we get a two shot plus a mid shot as well the editor and director have used this to show what the characters are and what they are doing. As the dialogue is coming to an end the camera starts to move back you can say it zooms out or does back tracking. Then we get a mid shot of one of the characters talking the editor and director have used this so we can see what the characters face expressions are like. We get a close up of something what the character has passed the other character but it wasn't noticeable so the editor and director have used this to keep the audience wondering what is was.

The Shining task.

The Shining task

Jack Torrance has writer's block, but his tactic of moving into an old hotel over winter with his wife and son brings out more than just the artistic demons in him...
Ostensibly a haunted house story, it manages to traverse a complex world of incipient madness, spectral murder and supernatural visions... and also makes you jump.

Reviews -  My review on the film is that it is a really good film it gets you thinking and leaves you wanting to know more. It leaves you asking more questions at the end than before you watched it. With all the reviews I have read the audiences really enjoyed the film but left a bit confused at the end but maybe that's a good thing.  

My opinion on the actors performances was that all the actors suited there role in the film and they played the characters very well.

Critic Review - Boston Globe When you sit down to The Shining, you sit down with normal expectations of being diverted, perhaps even being gripped, but not being undermined. But the film undermines you in powerful, inchoate ways. It's a horror story even for people who don't like horror stories - maybe especially for them.

Thursday 19 September 2013


Films what have won awards for best sounds.'- Inception,The Kings speech,Sky fall,The hurt locker. 
Inception rotating hallway scene'- The music in this scene makes you feel tense and a bit scared in away that you dont want out bad to happen. 
Dieagetic Sound'- Is sound what is in the film world eg like a computer keyboard sound,a phone ringing.
Non dieagetic sound'- Is sound what has been put in eg like voice over,back ground music.


Narrative- The story line.

Task- Saving private Ryan( first scene )

With the first scene the director wants you to feel tense because we see the soldiers going to the beaches to fight. We get a couple of close ups of the soldiers to see how they are feeling and how that they are scared. We get a low angle mid shot of the soldiers coming of the boat we see them get shot. We get a two shot of two soldiers helping each other out the water.

Mise en scene

Mise en scene 

Mise en scene is a French word what means everything in the frame.

Task -  Look at a scene out of a film.

 Superman man of steel. 

Settings - The setting in the film I am about to talk about is a little fight scene in a little town this isn't typical because most fight scenes between super hero's and villains are normally in big cities.

Costumes - The costumes used are Cloaks, the depth of detail in the costumes are very good.

It was easy to see who was the hero and who was the villain because the villains was dressed in very dark clothing.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Editing. FCP

The final cut pro inter face works in four different ways.

First way it works is that on the left hand side there is a little section called the browser where all your sequences go. You can pick and choose what sequence you want. A sequence is a clip of a film. You can drag your sequence in the timeline when you have selected what sequence you want it will go to the right hand side in a place called the Viewer and this is where you can watch the sequence you have selected you can cut and edit it on the viewer window. and when you have done your editing you can watch it on the canvas window.

How to mark clips  

You can mark clips on the viewer by clicking (I) this is when you want your clip to start and when you want your clip to end you click(O).

 My understanding of FCP

My understanding of FCP is good at the moment but it can get better. I would like to be more knowledgeable on the short cuts. But in time I think I could learn them all and be fluent in them.

Video editing unit 16/21

Non Linear- Not in order.
Linear- In Order

Workflow -  The order in which you will work.

Film- Creates clips= video footage.
Memory card = drag clips into blue BTEC drive.
Ready to edit = Drag the clips to scratch.

Saving private ryan.

The first frame shows a mid-shot of the soldiers being sick on a boat, the colour wash is a grey colour which makes the audience feel depressed, there is a tracking back. In the background you can see other boats.  Then we see a mid-shot of the driver of the boat, then we get a close up of Tom Hanks he's on the left side of the frame his facial expression shows fear and sadness looking off into the off screen space, on the right hand side of the frame you can see another boat with soldiers on and this boat is out of focus. We see a close up of a soldier, you can see that they are wearing their camo uniforms to blend into the scene, the colours of the costume fit into the grey colour wash and add to the atmosphere. and we can see fear on his face, the lighting is dark in this scene this gives it a depressing atmosphere. We then see a low angle shot of soldiers coming off the boat and getting shot. We then see a close up of a soldier being shot in the head and the special effects show blood flying out the back of his head. There is an over the shoulder shot of a german shooting the soldiers coming out of the boat.

On the next scene you see a low angle mid shot of dead soldiers and soldiers escaping from the bullets with a blue colour wash, you see props sinking to the bottom of the ocean. such as guns, helmets and bullets and a bullet proof vest. You see a mid-shot of bullets shooting through the water. You can see soldiers drowning in the ocean with a wide two shot. There is a wide shot of bodies being blown into the water.

Monday 16 September 2013

unit 38 a1

Sound Unit 38 - Walter Murch.

Who does what?-  

 Sound recordist - It is there job to record sound on location during production.

Sound mixer-Hes in charge of the production.Works on sound mixing the sound during post production.

 Foley Artist-They mimic sound what happens on screen.

Composer/Score writer- The person who comes up with the music.

Sound designer- In charge of all the sound in the film/TV show and tells all the other people who work in sound what they would like the sounds to be like.

What do we record?

Dialogue- Individuals or groups.

Background/atmosphere-Animate/Inanimate record all things going on set eg like a computer then people in a class room.

Inanimate- A sound what doesn't move.

SFX- Sound effects.

SYNC- Sync sound must be in time with video so it sounds right and be understood.

NONE SYNC- They don't need to be in sync to be make sense.

Sound Mixing- Putting all your sounds together.

Wild Track- wild track is a animate sound.

Where you record is important?
Yes its important cause it gives you control.

Shutting out sound-
choose the correct microphone.
Lavier(clip mic)
Shotgun Mic-just pics up sound in front of it.
O mi-Directianal- Pic ups sounds good for a wild track.
Muffler/Muffles out sound what you might not need.

In the studio.
Perfect Acoustics.
Sound control.
additional sound recordings
Foley sound recordings.

ADR- Additional Dialogue Recording