Wednesday 17 September 2014

unit 33 assignment 2.


Our stop motion motion has a fight theme with a hero, villain and a female victim.  The villain has kidnapped the female victim and the hero is trying to save her. It will be set on a city street were the two characters will fight.

Beginning 30 seconds- 
This will see the characters meet on the back street. The hero is going to walk onto the street with the sound effect of walking. The villain is going to hear the hero and turn and smile. We will the zoom into the faces of each character and freeze showing there names. We will then see the two characters start to run towards each other and jump to hit each other. The screen then cuts to black.

Middle 30 seconds-
The hero and the villain become tangled in a fight to the death, trading blows with quick cuts and multiple angles to create tension and suspense. The fight will switch between slow motion and normal speed, and at certain points we see freeze frames of the characters i.e. the hero punches the villain or the villain dodges the hero's attack. We will see shots of the female victim looking confused, the camera will also be shot from her perspective as she watches the fight happen. The lens will go in and out of focus to show that she is slipping in and out of consciousness. Then the camera is on the girl as she looks to her side and spots a pole with a dangerously sharp edge.

End 30 seconds-
The third half we see the hero losing the fight to the villain. The hero will be shown on the floor with the villain over him the hero is about to be defeated by the villain. All of a sudden the villains expression changes from menacing to complete shock as he looks down to see a pole piercing through his torso. He falls down to revile the female character standing behind him breathless and falls to her knees. We cut to a shot of her on the side we hear the hero standing up and walk to the woman and he puts his hand out for her and he lift her up and walk of in to the sunset. We cut to the villain who is lay on the floor all of a sudden he open his eyes.

Target audience and genre-
Our target audience are males over the age of 15, this is due to action/fight theme of the animation which stereotypically is watched by males. The animation is aimed at people of 15 because of the violence and blood which we plan to include in the animation. Research shows that when men look to watch a film or a show they look for things like; nudity, sex and violence. When men were asked what  do you look for in a film car chases and action scenes were at the top of the list.

This list clearly shows what different genders look for in a film and proves the point of why men would rather watch an action film than a rom com. This is because they have different interests for women and prefer to see a punch rather than a kiss.

When we think 'action', we think of guns, violence, explosions etc. The reason why these aspects are appealing to male audiences is because of the adrenaline feelings that we get from them which creates excitement, and keeps us interested. Some of the top action films that are most popular are things like Terminator, Aliens, Die Hard. These films where so successful because they had interesting narratives as well as the main principals of action films. This results in the film being constantly interesting and not become boring due to it being repetitive. Another appealing aspect of action films which draws in the male audience is female characters. When theres a female involved (preferably good looking), most men will find the film more interesting because theres something attractive to look at.

These are popular films with males 16-25 this supports why we are using the action genre.

The colours we are going to use are going be dark because this will create a mood for the audience. most action scenes are filmed in the dark so this could be clear the audience something bad is going to happen.The scene will take place on a street on the set there will be broken down cars with smashed windows, street lights, houses and old buildings. The set will have images of derelict buildings stuck to the box, with two broken toy cars at each end of the street, the street lights will be made out clay and lit using after effects. The characters design will be reminiscent of the film sin city, meaning the clothing will be dark and mysterious.  We will have fast, loud and intense music over the top. this will add elements of excitement and tension drawing the audience in. We will also have sound effects such as punches, grunts, shouting, footsteps etc. This detail will make out animation that much more realistic.

Analysis of a similar product-
We will be using the same idea of two characters having a stand off and fighting. We will also be using clay in our animation so we will be watching many claymations to pick up ideas and tips on how to make out characters look as realistic as possible. Like in this animation there are two main characters fighting, a key difference between the two will be that ours will be made on a set. 





Wednesday 10 September 2014

Unit 33 assignment 1

The principles of animation 
 There is many principles of animation. First is Characters.You need too have good and well made characters in your animation this will make your animation more believable and more fun to watch. Anticipation is one of the principles of animation  because this will get the audience ready to see whats going happen. Staging is one of the biggest principles in animation because you want your location ( staging ) to look real so the audience doesn't lose interest. Arcs is of the the principles of animation because
Arcs give animation a more natural action and better flow. Think of natural movements in the terms of a pendulum swinging. All arm movement, head turns and even eye movements are executed on an arcs. Secondary action is important because it adds to the main action and gives more dimensions to the characters. 

The Phenakistoscope ( 1832 )

Willis O'Brien ( 1886 )

Kinetoscope made in 1889

 Ray Harryhausen (1920 )

King Kong ( 1933 )

Jan Svankmajor ( 1964 )
Children Animation(Before the 90s )
 September 17, 1981.  
Director; Ivor Wood. 


 Modern day technology 1989.

 1990s -

My chosen Stop motion film. 
Chicken run.
Year; 2000
Audience; Kids aged, 6-13. boys and girls

 Stop Motion Music Video.
The Prodigy Warriors Dance.
Year; 2009.
Audience; People in to Rock.
Producer; Liam Howlett.


Made in - 2013
Audience - Aged 11-30. But anyone can enjoy stop motion


I have picked t shirt war because it has great use of sound effects. The sounds used match the image on the t shirt, so this makes it more realistic. For example at ( 0.44 ) shows the man blowing up the balloon on his shirt and the sound matches what it would in real life because we know the balloon isn't real.The genre of this stop motion will be comedy(slapstick) we see this at(0.44) and (1.05 ) (1.38). So the generic conventions of this comedy is playing little pranks on each other we see this at (1.51-2.15 ). they don't really follow the rule of arc (0.25 ). But this doesn't have a negative effect on me because the main action is based on their T Shirts.
 ( 0.25 )

( 0.44 )


 (1.38 )

 King Kong vs T REX

The genre of King Kong is action. So we see a lot of fighting between King Kong and T REX at (0.13 ). Then movement isn't that good so the fight scene isn't that good and it doesn't have a great impact on the audience and they will lose interest for example at ( 1.23 ) half of T REX is of screen and its filmed all the way to the left hand side and the movement is jumpy. In the scene at ( 0.03 ) there is a lot of secondary action going on with the t rex behind the woman but we don't lose any focus on whats going on. The use of gravity at ( 1.34 ) is there but because the use of stop motion is new it makes us take a step back because its something we don't expect. This has a negative effect on the audience. TIME because its an old stop motion the movement of figures

fight scene ( 0.13 )


( 1.23 ) interest


Secondary Action ( 0.03 )


Chicken run


Chicken run has a good use of anticipation we see this at ( 1.42 )

We see the knees bend and the arms open wide. The use of gravity is normal we dont see anything unexpected and I think this is better because it has that balance of comedy and realism. 

Over lapping 
At (0.55 ) we see the use of over lapping. This is a good use of it because we see the character get span round also its a hint of comedy.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

lesson notes stop motion.

My lesson 

What differences can you see in the two animations?   
 King kong was filmed in black and white, in king kong they use a female actress you see her in 0.02 seconds and then through out the clip. In creature conforts its filmed in colour and they have used play for the animals. Creature conforts is more smooth on how they move the animals. The sound on King Kong the sound isn't synced.

What similarities does the two have? 

The two animations have Animals in the stop motion.
They use wide shots( SAME POINT OF VIEW ) Creature conforts(0.21)
King Kong(1.13)

Can you tell there has been development in the skills and techniques of animation. 
Yes, some of the animation out today are more creative and sets are more realistic. The technology has helped this process.

What genre is the animation and what generic conventions (things you expect to see) can you pull out? 
The genre of the animation is Crime and action. It had guns,knifes,police,fight scenes and special effects of blood.

What do you notice about the movement of the figures body?
 Walking was un natural 'shuffle'. Its broken the principles of animation(arcs) .
Shot-and fly backwards- they have used the principle of gravity to keep the realism

What do you notice about the movement of the figures face and facial expression?
 Sweat- shows emotion-fears-effect on audience understands that there danger.

What comments on sound can you give?  
Sfx- Gun shots.
Non diagetic sound. 
sfx- of stabbing.
Dialogue - scream.
Sfx- explosion. 

Tangled - Animation pull out timecodes for arcs,overlapping/ follow through.
at ( 0.06 ) The lizards movement is smooth and fluent. 
At ( 0.34 ) we see follow through where the character stops running but his arms are moving. 

At ( 0.03 ) the characters movement is very jumpy and fast. 


zoetrope is one of several pre-cinema animation devices that produce the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of drawings or photographs showing progressive phases of that motion. The name zoetrope was composed from the Greek root words ζωή zoe, "life" and τρόπος tropos, "turning".
The zoetrope consists of a cylinder with slits cut vertically in the sides. On the inner surface of the cylinder is a band with images from a set of sequenced pictures. As the cylinder spins, the user looks through the slits at the pictures across. The scanning of the slits keeps the pictures from simply blurring together, and the user sees a rapid succession of images, producing the illusion of motion. From the late 20th century, devices working on similar principles have been developed, named analogously as linear zoetropes and 3D zoetropes, with traditional zoetropes referred to as "cylindrical zoetropes" if distinction is needed.

Throughout its thirty-year history American Zoetrope has sought new creative possibilities in technology. We continue to produce films and offer post-production services from our headquarters, the historic Sentinel Building in San Francisco's North Beach. And we continue to explore the creative possibilities of new technology.
Within this website is one such experiment, the Zoetrope Virtual Studio, a complete motion picture production studio on the Web. It offers powerful collaborative tools for writers, directors, producers and other film artists. It also includes a number of film-related discussion sections and chat rooms. Join the Virtual Studio

The praxinoscope was an animationdevice, the successor to the zoetrope. It was invented in France in 1877 byCharles-Émile Reynaud. Like the zoetrope, it used a strip of pictures placed around the inner surface of a spinning cylinder. The praxinoscope improved on the zoetrope by replacing its narrow viewing slits with an inner circle of mirrors, placed so that the reflections of the pictures appeared more or less stationary in position as the wheel turned. Someone looking in the mirrors would therefore see a rapid succession of images producing the illusion of motion, with a brighter and less distorted picture than the zoetrope offered.
In 1889 Reynaud developed the Théâtre Optique, an improved version capable of projecting images on a screen from a longer roll of pictures. This allowed him to show hand-drawn animated cartoonsto larger audiences, but it was soon eclipsed in popularity by the photographic film projector of theLumière brothers.
This is an example of what the praxinoscope looks like 

The Praxinoscope, invented in 1877 by the Frenchman, Emile Reynaud (1844-1918), is a precursor of the moving picture. Here, a band of pictures, each slightly different from its neighbor, is placed inside a rotating drum, quite similar to the arrangement of pictures in the Zoetrope. In Reynaud's design the pictures were viewed in succession by reflection from a series of narrow vertical mirrors placed at the center of the drum. The drum is spun by hand, and the horse appears to gallop.

How it works:
A band of pictures is placed inside a shallow outer cylinder, so that each picture is reflected by the inner set of mirrors.  The number of mirrors is equal to the number of pictures, and the images of the pictures are viewed in the mirrors.  When the outer cylinder rotates, the quick succession of reflected pictures gives the illusion of a moving picture. 
What became of it:
Using this principle, Reynaud found a way to project the series of pictures onto a screen.  He called this the "Theatre Optique."  A standard praxinoscope, like the one above, can only accomodate a second or two of animation because of the limited number of pictures it contains.  Reynaud's "Theatre Optique" used a long roll of paper to increase the number of pictures, and was therefore able to create a much longer show for an audience. 


Using a drum design which revolved, as with the Zoetrope, the images were viewed reflected in a prism of mirrors which rose from the centre of the drum. Each mirror as it passed flashed a clear image opposed to it.
The result was perfect animation without the loss of luminosity in movement which was experienced with the Zoetrope.
The next step, as Reynaud saw it, was to adapt his existing device so that the animated pictures could be projected. The replacement of the opaque drawings with transparent drawings meant that light could be shone through them. The light which shone through the pictures was reflected by the mirror prism and focused onto a screen through a lens.
In 1872 Reynaud took this idea and turned it into theatrical entertainment. Up until this point animation toys had been limited to repetitive images. Reynaud noted this and devised a method of painting a series of pictures on small glass plates which were joined together in a single flexible strip. The animated characters were projected onto a screen from behind.
Reynaud exhibited his projecting Praxinoscope giving public performances using long broad strips of hand painted frames.
The effect he achieved was successful but was jerky and slow. In addition the labour required to draw the strips meant that Reynaud’s films could not easily be reproduced.
Reynaud’s Theatre Optique came remarkably close to the cinema - all that it lacked was the addition of photography. 

Friday 5 September 2014

Lesson notes for assignment 1 stop motion.

What genre is the animation and what generic conventions (things you expect to see) can you pull out? 
The genre of the animation is Crime and action. It had guns,knifes,police,fight scenes and special effects of blood.

What do you notice about the movement of the figures body?
 Walking was un natural 'shuffle'. Its broken the principles of animation(arcs) .
Shot-and fly backwards- they have used the principle of gravity to keep the realism

What do you notice about the movement of the figures face and facial expression?
 Sweat- shows emotion-fears-effect on audience understands that there danger.

What comments on sound can you give?  
Sfx- Gun shots.
Non diagetic sound. 
sfx- of stabbing.
Dialogue - scream.
Sfx- explosion.



Tuesday 2 September 2014



Clay Stop motion.
Stop motion with people.
Stop motion for kids.

What differences can you see in the two animations?   
 King kong was filmed in black and white, in king kong they use a female actress you see her in 0.02 seconds and then through out the clip. In creature conforts its filmed in colour and they have used play for the animals. Creature conforts is more smooth on how they move the animals. The sound on King Kong the sound isn't synced.

What similarities does the two have? 

The two animations have Animals in the stop motion.
They use wide shots( SAME POINT OF VIEW ) Creature conforts(0.21)
King Kong(1.13)

Can you tell there has been development in the skills and techniques of animation. 
Yes, some of the animation out today are more creative and sets are more realistic. The technology has helped this process.

What genre is the animation and what generic conventions (things you expect to see) can you pull out? 
The genre of the animation is Crime and action. It had guns,knifes,police,fight scenes and special effects of blood.

What do you notice about the movement of the figures body?
 Walking was un natural 'shuffle'. Its broken the principles of animation(arcs) .
Shot-and fly backwards- they have used the principle of gravity to keep the realism

What do you notice about the movement of the figures face and facial expression?
 Sweat- shows emotion-fears-effect on audience understands that there danger.

What comments on sound can you give?  
Sfx- Gun shots.
Non diagetic sound. 
sfx- of stabbing.
Dialogue - scream.
Sfx- explosion. 

My chosen Stop motion film. 
Chicken run.
Year; 2000
Audience; Kids aged, 6-13.

Stop Motion Music Video.
The Prodigy Warriors Dance.
Year; 2009
Audience; People in to Rock
Producer; Liam Howlett.

Children Animation(Before the 90s )
 September 17, 1981.  
Director; Ivor Wood. 


Kinetoscope made in 1889